Rio 2016 Olympics Medal Table Is Enough To Cheer The Most Depressed Of Remain Voters

Partially at least...
Britain's Tom Daley, left, and Daniel Goodfellow celebrate winning bronze after their final dive during the men's synchronized 10-meter platform diving final.
Britain's Tom Daley, left, and Daniel Goodfellow celebrate winning bronze after their final dive during the men's synchronized 10-meter platform diving final.

The UK is in the thrall of the Rio Olympics right now as we all collectively revel in Team GB’s brilliant performances.

Proud of #teamGB ! Some amazing athletes out there representing us! #Olympics #Rio2016

— Jordan Hulley (@Jordyii) August 16, 2016

One look at the medal table tells you everything you need to know:

But cast your mind back just a few weeks to when the over-riding emotions in the country were division, uncertainty and fear in the wake of the EU referendum vote.

Oh, and disappointment with England’s dismal Euros performance (not you Wales, you did great 👌).

You'd managed to forget about this, hadn't you?
You'd managed to forget about this, hadn't you?
Kirsty Wigglesworth/AP

Team GB appears to have done the impossible and reunited us all around a common cause and given a lift to what was looking like a fairly dreary summer.

To illustrate this we’ve rounded up 11 Remainers - some known, some less so) who two months ago were in despair but are now once again proud to be British.

1) Gary Lineker

Lineker was clearly devastated after the result, suggesting the effects would last for years to come.

Feel ashamed of my generation. We've let down our children and their children.

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) June 24, 2016

And for good measure he’d already made his feelings about a certain Brexiteer well-known.

Whatever the result, Farage will always be a dick.

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) June 23, 2016

And Now...

Much as we put ourselves down, for a small bunch of islands we ain't too shabby at sport.

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) August 14, 2016

2) Michael Pattinson

The Nottingham native viewed the result as an actual car crash (the gif is of James May and Richard Hammond watching a rocket-powered Robin Reliant fall to earth).

Waking up to the #EURefResults

— Michael Pattinson (@MikePattinson) June 24, 2016

And Now...

Well that is a beautiful sight if ever I've seen one #TeamGB

— Michael Pattinson (@MikePattinson) August 14, 2016

3) Piers Morgan.

The outspoken commentator drowned his Brexit blues with a bottle of the Continent’s finest served with a side of apology.


— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 24, 2016

I still love you, Europe.
Sorry for everything. @theivybrasserie

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) June 24, 2016

And Now... (although he did ruin it a bit with the whole ‘silver and bronze is losing’ saga)...

Peaty, you beasty.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 8, 2016

Very proud of my country.
Just wish we had a stronger winning mentality, then we might do better at sport.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) August 10, 2016

4) Stephen Leng

OK Magazine’s digital editor, Stephen Leng, was clearly exasperated at all those Leave voters who didn’t seem to think their vote would count.

Another woman on the news saying she voted leave but is in shock that it happened and regrets her decision. FOR FUCK'S SAKE BRITAIN!

— Stephen Leng (@steveleng) June 24, 2016

@tom_aspaul they clearly do not appreciate the depreciating pound.

— Stephen Leng (@steveleng) June 24, 2016

And Now...

He’s still probably in for a bit of a wait on the musical side of things but he seems happy enough.

One day we'll be on the left hand side of the board at Eurovision, but until then, #teamgb at the #Olympics 💪🇬🇧🔥

— Stephen Leng (@steveleng) August 14, 2016

5) Alastair Campbell

Campbell, not ever known for beating about the bush, was pretty blunt in his views.

I would much rather live in the Scotland @NicolaSturgeon described than the England of @BorisJohnson @Nigel_Farage

— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) June 24, 2016

Perhaps the 48 should go and live with the 45. Scotland looks ever more attractive. Just glad my parents not here to see why.

— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) June 24, 2016

And Now...

Best moment of the Games so far. British Cycling best in the world

— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) August 12, 2016

Although he does seem to be holding out hope for an unlikely political gesture.

Come on @TeamGB - just one of you would do !! #brexitmeansdisaster

— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) August 13, 2016

6) Sam Squire

Squire was so peeved he considered going AWOL from his own country.

Watching the #EURefResults gives me a heavy heart. I say that as a European citizen 😔🇪🇺

— Sam Squire (@ImSamSquire) June 24, 2016

Looks like I'll be using that Irish heritage and getting myself an Irish passport after all #EUrefresults

— Sam Squire (@ImSamSquire) June 24, 2016

Just landed in a very sunny Menorca and with the idea of Boris being Prime Minister I'm fucking staying here 🖕🏼

— Sam Squire (@ImSamSquire) June 24, 2016

And Now...

This. Amazing! #GBR #TeamGB

— Sam Squire (@ImSamSquire) August 14, 2016

7) Tupele Dorgu

The theatre actress’s emoji use says it all.

Never been very political but felt very sad this morning 😕 lets hope we can still make Great Britain Great. #EURefResults

— Tupele Dorgu (@TupeleDorgu) June 24, 2016

And Now...

The @Olympics is soo exciting. #TeamGB is AMAZING! Im bowled over by our countrys talent. U make us all proud 👍🏾🇬🇧

— Tupele Dorgu (@TupeleDorgu) August 15, 2016

8) Girls Know Football Too

Obviously no fan of Mr Farage, this sports writer from York was another considering emigrating.

Wow. It actually happened

— GirlsKnowFootballToo (@GKFT) June 24, 2016

Farage with a Cheshire Cat grin, that's the face of victory. What a mistake 😢 #EURefResults

— GirlsKnowFootballToo (@GKFT) June 24, 2016

Canada it is

— GirlsKnowFootballToo (@GKFT) June 24, 2016

And Now...

Feeling very proud to be British this morning. Which makes a nice change from recent months! #TeamGB

— GirlsKnowFootballToo (@GKFT) August 15, 2016

9) Calling All Astronauts

Electro goth punk band, Calling All Astronauts, blamed Brexit on the oldies.

And how coffin dodgers voted

— CallingAllAstronauts (@CAA_Official) June 24, 2016

I've suddenly got hypertension I blame Brexit

— CallingAllAstronauts (@CAA_Official) June 24, 2016

And Now...

Ok we have a lot to complain about in the UK, but #TeamGB give us something to be proud of

— CallingAllAstronauts (@CAA_Official) August 14, 2016

10) James Hallwood

James’s whole family were left in a pit of despair but give that man a gold medal for the turnaround.

Absolutely speechless.

— James Hallwood (@jhallwood) June 24, 2016

Poor Mum is bereft. Said she knows it sounds silly but it feels like she's mourning. I know she's not alone.

— James Hallwood (@jhallwood) June 24, 2016

And Now...

I know I'm really not the most patriotic of people... but I'm so proud to be British #TeamGB

— James Hallwood (@jhallwood) August 11, 2016

11) Andrew Eccles

Only the adorable face of Mary Berry could make amends for the actions of the UK in the eyes of Mr Eccles. Fortunately that didn’t last long (even if he did call us all weird).

@FortyDeuceTwits Nigel Farage makes me so embarrassed to be British. Please accept Mary Berry as an apology.

— Andrew Eccles (@BackSwings) June 24, 2016

And Now...

There's a week left but super proud of this effort by #TeamGB. Good for you, ya weird little island. #Rio2016

— Andrew Eccles (@BackSwings) August 16, 2016

So there we go, sport really can bring us together.


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