Technology Empowering Education

Technology Empowering Education

According to David Warlick: "We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher's hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world."

Technology is empowering the way we teach in the classroom, helping teachers to expand beyond linear, text-based learning and to engage students who learn best in other ways. It also gives parents a deeper connection to their child's progress by the development of new software, for example Xplor a mobile app founded by Mark Woodland which allows parents to receive instant updates and newsfeeds from schools or childcare centres. The use of technology has evolved into easy direct communication and a versatile learning tool that is changing how we demonstrate concepts, assign projects and assess progress.

Within Third Level Education, there is an array of online college courses are being utilised. A wide varieties of online courses are available from universities and colleges as well as online platforms such as where you can complete entire courses on your mobile phone.

Technology is also being used to counteract bullying in the classroom with inventions such as The BullyBug a wearable tech wristband, which when pressed, sends a message to the BullyBug app on a teacher's phone. The ambitious goal of its creators; students from St. Audoen's School, is to eradicate bullying from schools. The device was developed as part of a Solas Project initiative.

Choosing the right education technology is essential, I have listed some emerging educational apps and websites below.


Sick of heavy bags, tons of paper, different tools and all the old-school stuff? We are, too!

Freedactics gives you the Freedom to study anywhere and anytime. You can learn on the web or using your mobile devices. All your data is stored in the Cloud. Your knowledge is literally everywhere.


Xplor is an incredible mobile app that puts a child's learning journey at a parents fingertips across their favourite devices. Every moment; every day. Toothless grins, first steps, music, art work, books, and priceless mementos. Broadcast lives and saved on a beautiful, organised timeline celebrating a child's learning memories while in childcare. A child's journey now lives in one place.

Uni Tuition

UniTuition is an online marketplace for third level academic support. They provide all university students looking for extra academic support and all tutors providing it with one easily accessible online system. This is a great way for past graduated students to earn an extra income by becoming a tutor.

Web Kids

Webkids encourages children to build up an e-portfolio of digital skills so they can create their own learning adventures while at the same time providing a route map to create further education and employment opportunities.


Wholeschool is an Education Platform service that supports a range of optional integrated services including school improvement/compliance and curriculum planning, they can also support popular open source software including Joomla, Moodle, Mahara and Alfresco.


This platform also allows users to take any useful educational video, not just TED's, and easily create a customized lesson around the video. Users can then distribute TED-Ed lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class, or an individual student.

42courses is one of the world's newest education companies and is committed to making the digital world of education a better, more productive place. Founded by Chris Rawlinson. This leading online plate form is open to anyone worldwide - all that is needed is a computer or mobile phone that is connected to the internet.


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