15-Year-Old Gets Points On Driving Licence He Doesn’t Have Yet For Speeding On Electric Scooter

Police are urging parents not to buy the scooters as Christmas gifts.

A teenager has received points on a driving licence he doesn’t have yet, after being caught “riding an electric scooter at high speeds”.

Electric scooters may have become popular with children and adults alike in recent years, but it remains illegal to ride them on the roads or pavement.

The 15-year-old was caught riding one in a public place and appearing at Teesside youth court in Middlesbrough, he was given six points on his future driving licence, reports the Times.

With Christmas approaching, Cleveland Police are warning parents against buying electric scooters as presents for their children.

PC Mike Doherty said: “These scooters are not toys, and not only can they be extremely dangerous but they are also not legal to ride on pavements and roads and I think many parents aren’t aware of this.

“Under the Road Traffic Act we can report the individual rider for not having insurance, a licence, a number plate, helmet and MOT for the scooter.

“This person will then be reported for summons and will be given a minimum of six points on their licence or future licence and a possible fine.”

Some of the scooters currently on sale in the UK can reach speeds of up to 40 miles per hour.


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