Tesla Demonstrates 'Bioweapon Defense Mode' With Startling Results

'You can literally survive a military grade bio attack by sitting in your car.'

Tesla has uploaded a video which demonstrates the ruthless efficiency of its rather terrifyingly named 'Bioweapon Defense Mode' air filtration system.

Available on the Model S and Model X, the suitably silly name might be in keeping with Telsa's need to make everything larger than life but as with Ludicrious Mode, Tesla always ends up with the last laugh.

Watch air pollution levels inside Model X drastically drop when we turn on Bioweapon Defense Mode in Beijing pic.twitter.com/HLjyvj3H2C

— Tesla Motors (@TeslaMotors) May 3, 2016

Designed using a military-grade set of parameters this advanced HEPA air filtration system both scrubs the air from the outside of all pollutants and rogue particles as well as scrubbing the air inside the car as well.

That means that regardless of whether you're a severe hay fever sufferer with a passion for country driving or a commuter who's tired of puffing fumes all day both cars will give you medically fresh air.


While we're not suggesting you take either the Model S or X into an active conflict zone Tesla is feeling pretty confident about its newest feature.

"You can literally survive a military grade bio attack by sitting in your car." says the company's blog.

'Bioweapon Defense Mode' is available on the newly unveiled update of the Model S and on the Model X.


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