Sharing a bed with a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife isn't all cuddles and kisses. In reality, it can be a total pain in the butt.
Brooklyn-based artist Jacob Andrews of For Lack Of A Better Comic illustrated this age-old struggle in a series of illustrations for College Humor called "The 6 Stages Of Sleeping With Another Person."

Andrews, who has been in a relationship for six months, said he was inspired by dating someone with odd sleep habits and having some bedtime quirks of his own.
"The 'sleeping in weird positions' segment is all her, but waking up the middle of the night freaked out and yelling is totally me," he told The Huffington Post.
The pros and cons of sharing a bed, according to the artist?
"Definitely just the comforting feeling of having someone else there," he said. "It's nice to wake up in the morning with someone next to you. The worst part is probably the space constraints. I like to really spread out diagonally on the bed, and that becomes difficult to do when there's another human hogging all the good space."
To see more of Andrews' work, check out his Facebook page.
H/T Bored Panda