The Apprentice Fans Just Can't Get Over What A Fiasco The Candidates Had Producing Baby Food

There was good reason why both teams ended up back in the boardroom.
There was ridiculous scenes as the candidates had to produce and market their own baby food
There was ridiculous scenes as the candidates had to produce and market their own baby food

Warning! This article contains spoilers for the latest episode of The Apprentice.

The Apprentice has served up its fair share of disasters this series, but none bigger than what happened after the candidates were asked to produce and market a new brand of baby food.

Thursday night’s episode of the BBC business-based reality show resulted in both teams losing the challenge and in the firing line, after failing to land a single order of their products.

A series of remarkable errors were made by both teams, which viewers had a lot of fun with on social media.

The fact the Stephanie and Akeem had created a logo for their baby food brand that essentially read “First Time Dies” was less than ideal, but it did give us this one-liner

some people train in the finest acting schools in the world and could never deliver a line with this much conviction

— george griffiths (@georgegriffiths) March 10, 2022

I did not have this on my series bingo card #TheApprentice

— Ryan Love (@RyanJL74) March 10, 2022

And the Iceland retailer went one step further

This man certainly made the most of his brief TV appearance #TheApprentice

— Bemused Claude (@BemusedClaude) March 10, 2022

People also loved how one of the online retailers reacted to the products during the pitch

The undoubted star of tonight's #theapprentice this woman stands for no shit

— Septimus McClonk (@clm2071) March 10, 2022

#TheApprentice Please tell me this absolute hero is on twitter...

— WarrenPeace (@WarrenPeace_75) March 10, 2022

But the other team didn’t exactly fare any better, with Aaron’s recipe for his “Moroccan Medley” not going down well with his target market

On one the branding is trying to kill the babies. On the other it’s so thick the babies are choking when they try it. Success all around #TheApprentice

— Sarah Marshall (@MissProdger) March 10, 2022

That baby trying the “Moroccan medley” #TheApprentice

— Nib 💙💛 (@nibofthepen) March 10, 2022

The comedy of errors seemingly turned it into an unintentional sitcom

This year’s series of #TheApprentice is the funniest sitcom on TV at the moment.

— Elliot Gonzalez (@elliot_gonzalez) March 10, 2022

And when both teams lost, a lot of people were living for it

Both teams coming back to the boardroom #TheApprentice

— Dele Ayilara (@Delehas_spoken) March 10, 2022

And wondered if Lord Sugar would just get rid of the lot of them

Watching right now#TheApprentice

— Sardaran Carol Ahmed (@SardaranCarol) March 10, 2022

After all, their track records in previous challenges weren’t exactly much better

This season has been graphic design gold #TheApprentice

— Bemused Claude (@BemusedClaude) March 10, 2022

And Lord Sugar’s somewhat non-sensical final monologue just added to the pure chaos of the episode

That final monologue 😂 “and so Akeem… it is regretful… that Stephanie did so badly… and yet Akeem… I’m struggling… and it’s regretful that Stephanie… Akeem you’re fired” #theapprentice

— Shaun Kitchener (@ShaunKitchener) March 10, 2022

And while it was Aaron and Akeem that were fired, the others shouldn’t rest easy just yet, as next week it’s the dreaded interviews, and we all know what that means...

Me watching Linda rip into all 4 of them next week. #TheApprentice

— Mk236776 (@mk236776) March 10, 2022

Already looking forward to Claude laying into these idiots next week. #TheApprentice

— Incognito (@musictvtweets) March 10, 2022

The Apprentice continues on Thursday at 9pm on BBC One.


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