‘The Apprentice’: Lord Sugar’s Former Aide Nick Hewer Says His Ten Years On The Show Was ‘The Biggest Nightmare I’ve Ever Had To Endure’

'Can you imagine having to spend days chasing around after hooligans?'

Lord Sugar’s former aide on ‘The Apprentice’, Nick Hewer, might have been on the show for ten years, but that doesn’t mean he enjoyed it.

In fact, the businessman-turned-‘Countdown’ host, says it was a “nightmare” that he had to “endure”.

The 72-year-old also described the wannabe business candidates as “hooligans”, in a no holds barred rant about the BBC One show.

Nick Hewer left 'The Apprentice' in 2014 and now presents 'Countdown' on Channel 4.
Nick Hewer left 'The Apprentice' in 2014 and now presents 'Countdown' on Channel 4.
Dave Hogan via Getty Images

In a recording of a chat at Oxford University obtained by The Sun, Nick told students: “People say ‘Oh, it must be such fun to work on the Apprentice!’

The comments come just a day after Nick, who left the show in 2014, revealed that producers often tell Lord Sugar to keep certain candidates in the process for longer based on their looks.


However, Nick insisted Lord Sugar’s decision is never swayed, adding: “He will say ‘the blonde will go when the blonde deserves to go’.”

Nick helped Lord Sugar hire and fire on the show, alongside Karen Brady.
Nick helped Lord Sugar hire and fire on the show, alongside Karen Brady.

An ‘Apprentice’ spokesperson denied Nick’s claims when approached by HuffPost UK, stating: “All firing decisions throughout ‘The Apprentice’ are down to Lord Sugar’s own judgement, and solely based on his opinion about who he believes should be fired after every task.

“’The Apprentice’ is a serious business reality series; the winner will be in partnership with Lord Sugar and therefore needs to have the relevant credentials,” they continued.

“References are checked for business and education credentials and a business consultant is involved at audition stages. In addition to this, Lord Sugar sees the CVs during final selection process.

“To say that candidates are chosen purely for their looks or single lines on their CV is not true.”


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