‘The Chase’: Basil Brush Hailed As ‘The Greatest Contestant Ever’ In One Of 2017’s Most WTF? TV Moments

Boom! (boom).

The Chase’ has offered up some truly memorable moments over the years, but Sunday’s celebrity edition of the show topped them all.

Not only did Basil Brush put in an appearance, but he also ended up smashing it.

Yep, where so many other celebs have tried and failed to impress us - and the Chaser - with their general knowledge, they’ve all been outwitted by a puppet.

Host Bradley Walsh attempts to silence Basil.
Host Bradley Walsh attempts to silence Basil.

After, ahem, outfoxing Jenny ‘The Vixen’ Ryan in the head-to-head, Basil bagged £8,000 for his team, which included hockey player Sam Quek, TV presenter Andi Peters and writer Charlie Higson.

Basil’s appearance on the ITV game show didn’t go unnoticed on Twitter, with many viewers asking if they’d entered a parallel TV universe...

rest of the world: * up in flames *
UK: basil brush is on the chase stop everything pic.twitter.com/kmGvNzMTRh

— SertralineQueen ༗˳̮༗ (@idkchachkiii) December 10, 2017

I’ve had a couple of drinks today. Could someone maybe confirm that Basil Brush is on Celebrity Chase?

— Dean (@Herne_TheHunter) December 10, 2017

nah why the fuck is basil brush on the chase pic.twitter.com/CusOZ71NQm

— Up the ev (@EFCHazo) December 10, 2017

Basil Brush on The Chase. You cannot get more of a typical British Sunday than that 😂

— • D A I S Y • (@ohmydaiss_) December 10, 2017

Is Basil brush possibly the greatest ever contestant on @ITVChase 👌🏻😎🐿

— adam roynon (@Ad_Royno4) December 10, 2017

Says something when Basil Brush is cleverer than me on the Chase questions

— Nick clayton (@Nickcla71) December 10, 2017

Basil Brush smashing it on the chase, this is what i live for

— Scoobert Doobert (@Al_Lambie) December 10, 2017

Yes, Basil Brush did just win £23,000 on the chase. pic.twitter.com/4s1XBi0Fg7

— ollie (@olstaylor) December 10, 2017

I can't believe Basil Brush just won The Chase. British TV really is something else.

— Karen. (@KGillcn) December 10, 2017

Basil Brush being on the chase just saved 2017 x

— soph MEETING NIALL (@SophieBurrows2) December 10, 2017

‘The Chase’ Celebrity Specials are now available on ITV Hub.


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