The day of the Queen’s funeral will be a Bank Holiday, King Charles III has confirmed.
The new monarch signed off on the decision as he was officially proclaimed the UK’s sovereign by the Accession Council in a ceremony at St. James’s Palace in London.
The funeral date will be confirmed later today, but it is believed it will take place on Monday, September 19.
Penny Mourdaunt, the Lord President of the Accession Council, revealed a proclamation has appointed the day of the funeral as a Bank Holiday across the UK.
King Charles then formally gave his approval of the decision.
Although he automatically became King following his mother’s death on Thursday, the Accession Council - attended by around 200 Privy Councillors - had to meet this morning to confirm his role.
Prime minister Liz Truss, Prince William and the Queen Consort were among the senior figures in attendance.
Former PMs John Major, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson were also there, as was former Scottish first minister Alex Salmond and his successor, Nicola Sturgeon.
King Charles did not attend the ceremony, only joining after he has been proclaimed monarch, at 10am, to hold his first Privy Council meeting.
As his eldest son and wife looked on, he said: “I know how deeply you, the entire nation and I think I may say the whole world, sympathise with me in the irreparable loss we have all suffered.
“It is the greatest consolation to me to know the sympathy expressed by so many to my sister and brothers and that such overwhelming affection and support should be extended to our whole family in our loss.
“To all of us as a family, as to this kingdom, and the wider family of nations of which it is a part, my mother gave an example of lifelong love and of selfless service. My mother’s reign was unequalled in its duration, its dedication and its devotion.
“Even as we grieve, we give thanks for this most faithful life. I am deeply aware of this great inheritance and of the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty which have now passed to me.
“In taking up these responsibilities, I shall strive to follow the inspiring example I have been set in upholding constitutional government and to seek the peace, harmony and prosperity of the peoples of these islands, and of the Commonwealth realms and territories throughout the world.
In this purpose, I know that I shall be upheld by the affection and loyalty of the peoples whose sovereign I have been called upon to be, and that in the discharge of these duties I will be guided by the council of their elected parliaments.
“In all this, I am profoundly encouraged by the constant support of my beloved wife.”