The Energy Of The Goddess Has Returned

This is the time to talk about what has happened in the past and what was a violation of your human rights and dignity.

Photo: author's own.

'A woman in harmony with her spirit is like a river flowing. She goes where she will without pretense and arrives at her destination, prepared to be herself and only herself.' - Maya Angelou

The energy of the goddess has returned and is being anchored fully and powerfully.

We are giving birth to the empowered self, the authentic self.

I believe this is a watershed moment in history whereby the terrifying magnitude of sexual harassment and assault and abuse of power that has been going on behind closed doors for decades in Hollywood and in global corporations and governments has finally shocked the collective consciousness to say enough is enough. There is no going back from this.

The death of the old and birth of the new has begun.

This is the time to speak your truth.

We cannot fix what we don't acknowledge.

This is the time to talk about what has happened in the past and what was a violation of your human rights and dignity.

It's not only about womens' rights, it's about human rights and treating people with honour and respect.

This is a time to speak out and now we're seeing the me too movement catch fire

and take hold.

The people are rising up and the judgement of those who abuse power is going to fall. Together we can bring in the new age which brings in prosperity for all, healthcare for all and abundance for everyone. Everyone having the opportunity to reach their greatest potential. Making the system fair so people have the opportunity to become their greatest potential.

We are releasing what no longer serves us and shedding the old skin. Not speaking your truth, not standing up for who you really are, not standing up for yourself... we've all felt like that at times. I know I have felt really unsupported and not able to articulate my truth when I was younger and I wasn't able, in a less enlightened age, to stand up for myself in the right way. That's why it's so important that we honour and respect everyone now.

What I want for me, I want for others too. I want it for everyone.

Remember, we all have lessons to learn.

Hold the vision and focus on what you want in your life.

Are you doing the things that are efficient and effective to get you to your purpose?

We want to be assertive but not run over people's boundaries.

Create win-win with others. Live our truth and allow others to live their truth and don't punish people for speaking up and speaking the truth, especially when it comes to these sexual violations that have been going on for far too long and will not be tolerated anymore.

Do not compromise your soul.

We can heal from the violations, we can heal from the assaults and intimidations.

Heal your heart, heal your relationships and remind ourselves that most people are good. Most men are good people, it's the few that have gone mad with power. Absolute power corrupts.

When you cannot keep your own sexual desires in check you have too much power and this is what happens.

This is a time for healing. Healing the past, healing your heart, healing your body, soul and spirit.

So move out of your comfort zone and speak your truth. Live by your truth. Get out of that rut that stops you growing. Because if you're too comfortable you won't be accomplishing what you need to be accomplishing and honouring the creative force inside you.

You're not changing with the times if you're out of step. You're not reaching your greatest potential. Energy comes along to shift us out of our comfort zone. The universe comes along and shakes you to awaken you.

Shift out of those habit patterns and behaviours that not longer serve you, that are not supporting who you are now and getting you to where you want to go. Shed the past, rise above the karma, rise above the drama.

The next level is the phoenix that rises above the ashes, the new you, and that can be painful. But real growth is painful at times. Life is painful at times - it's part of growth. Allow yourself to release the pain of the past, so that you can fly higher and become your beautiful self - your beautiful you. Remember, you are loved... and never mess with a woman who knows there is magic inside her.

I found a goddess in me and fell in love with her.


'The feminine is more powerful than the masculine, the soft is more powerful than the hard, the water is more powerful than the rock.' - Osho

