I watch a lot of TV. Well I used to watch a lot of TV. Now I watch a lot of TV to watch some TV,flipping through channels endlessly looking for something to watch. I look for something to watch the same way people look for Bigfoot. They glimpse a blurry thin bear, I glimpse the flicker of an engaging character. They think they see a monsters hand on a tree like I think I see a gripping storyline. But like them I never find what I'm looking for.
The internet was supposed to revolutionise TV, well if there has been a revolution it certainly hasn't been televised (or internetised?). For the main Youtube is cat videos, vloggers and viral music videos. Netflix and that bunch are TV on a computer. Why hasn't there been a great web-series that utilises the youtube format that people want to tune into every week with a narrative arc, strong characters and storylines? (editors note what about Mid Morning Matters?) (editors note You can't do an editors note if you have written the piece and are the editor) (editors note thanks) Maybe it's a money thing, it's just not worth the time. Why would the best writers leave the big bucks of TV and movies to come and write a web-series?
I'm certainly not one of the best writers but I have written (and directed) a new web-series that launched today. Why should you watch it? One it's been made with a lot of love and commitment, everyone has given their time for free as they believe in the project so it would be great to repay that with some views. Two the show not only utilizes the youtube format in a way I have not seen before but it also showcases some wonderful comic voices who have yet to find consistent mainstream success. It would be great if as many people as possible saw some of their excellent work
We have no budget to pay for a big marketing campaign to convince you it's good, we are not using expensive PR's to grease reviewers palms so do give the show a watch, there will be a new episode every Wednesday. Like any good series it's going to take a couple of episodes to get into it, so hopefully you'll stick with it. And if you really like it share it and give it a like. Hopefully unlike Bigfoot lots of you will actually see this.