The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week (June 29-July 5)

"My teen hasn’t finished cleaning her room but she did prepare a PowerPoint for why she needs her own Instagram account."

Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. Although Twitter has rebranded to X, the humour lives on.

Every week, we round up the most hilarious quips from parents on the social media platform to spread the joy. Scroll down to read the latest batch, and follow @HuffPostParents for more!

APPARENTLY when you’re playing the floor is lava with your child it is bad form to lay down on the floor and allow the lava to consume you. I know this now

— Eka Bakie (@EkaBakie) June 30, 2024

My daughter got a label maker from a relative for Christmas and it is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Not sure what I'm going to do when she actually learns to spell properly.

— Stephanie H. Murray (@stephmurrayyyy) July 1, 2024

9yo: Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?
Me: Depends on the day
9yo: Let’s say it’s a Tuesday

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) July 2, 2024

for maybe the last month my son has been asking for “pop pop”. every meal/snack he asks for pop pop. no idea what it was — tried popcorn, pasta, cereal. none of them pop pop. last night he found a pomegranate. we were like “is this pop pop?” and he made a sound of total triumph

— Gabriel (@gbrl_dick) July 1, 2024

Me: 1yo's little baby legs are so chonky and sweet. I want to eat them.

3yo: Mommy, NO. We do NOT EAT PEOPLE.

— Amy Colleen (@sewistwrites) July 1, 2024

My 5yo was trying to convince me to do something and said “if you don’t do it I’m gonna go to my room and go to sleep!” Not the threat she thought it was

— Average Dad (@Average_Dad1) July 2, 2024

11: wanna hear my duck call sound I can make?

me: yeah!

11: [cups his hands in the shape of making a duck call sound, releases two fingers in the air, takes a deep breath and..]

11: come here duck.

me: 💀💀 dammit you got me. 😂😂

— Dadman Walking (@dadmann_walking) July 2, 2024

Me, on the phone with my 10 yo who’s at camp:

“How’s the food?”

Her: Eh. There’s no feta and no olives. And the olive oil doesn’t taste good.

Me, 🥺, holding back tears of pride knowing I raised her right with Greek food:

“That’s my girl!”

— Panagis Galiatsatos, MD, MHS (@panagis21) June 29, 2024

My daughter was really excited to surprise her cousin with a sleepover at the end of their playdate, so after an elaborate plan, written script, and forced rehearsals so no one forgot their lines, she told her within 10 seconds of getting in the car

— Katie D (@KatieDeal99) July 1, 2024

Took our 10y/o to a Led Zeppelin cover band and afterwards he says to us…“I like how all their songs are all lala lala then all of a sudden they scream AYAYAYAYAYAYAY then they just go back to lala lala again.”

My god…nailed them😆

— DonutHawk (@StruggleDisplay) July 1, 2024

Saw another dad getting ice at the beach gas station this morning. He said it looked like it was going to be a hot one today. I replied that it already was and just hope we have a breeze today. Just two dads out in the wild living the dream.

— Simon Holland (@simoncholland) July 2, 2024

My teen hasn’t finished cleaning her room but she did prepare a PowerPoint for why she needs her own Instagram account.

— krista pacion (@kristabellerina) June 30, 2024

My daughter ate a peach earlier at my parents house and has now been crying for them so my husband just went to the store to solely get peaches…

What are the odds she wants nothing to do with peaches when he gets back????

— Kayla, MD (@kaylamellis_) June 29, 2024

Places my kid likes to lay down:

His bed: ❌

Floor of the Walmart bathroom: ✅

— Mommeh Dearest (@mommeh_dearest) July 1, 2024

5 minutes after my kid gets new markers

— meghan (@deloisivete) June 29, 2024

My girls are watching The Babysitters Club on Netflix and my husband made the mistake of asking why Mary Anne can't babysit after dark and now he has to listen to my two hour presentation of the Spier family history.

— Kristen Mulrooney (@missmulrooney) July 1, 2024

my daughter announced that I am the better parent.

my husband: why her?! what criteria are you using?

Kid: um, safety?

my husband: what?! when did I ever let you die?

— mom mom mom mom mom (@notmythirdrodeo) June 29, 2024

Me: *I wake up early morning*

Toddler [Sitting in my bed]: I’m peeing myself.

So potty training is going well. How was your morning, folks?

— My Life As Dad (@milifeasdad) July 2, 2024

someone please make popsicles for toddlers that they can eat like corn on the cob, i'm begging you.

— emily may (@emilykmay) July 2, 2024