The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

"My kid asked where babies come from and I said everywhere, man, they’re worldwide."

Kids may say the strangest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. So each week, we round up the most hilarious quips from parents on Twitter to spread the joy.

Scroll down to read the latest batch, and follow @HuffPostParents on Twitter for more!

My kid asked where babies come from and I said everywhere, man, they’re worldwide.

— cap’n watsisname (@capnwatsisname) January 19, 2021

My kid thought that “swearing in” meant Joe Biden was going to stand at a podium on Wednesday and reel off all the curse words he knows. He’s understandably a little disappointed now.

— Mary McCoy (@MaryElMcCoy) January 19, 2021

Whenever I get discouraged and want to quit something, I remember the words of my then 3 year-old after she puked carrots all over the living room floor: "I'm gonna need more carrots."

— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) January 18, 2021

Can we all just agree that book cover sleeves on children’s books are a waste of money?

— Momsense Ensues (@momsense_ensues) January 19, 2021

Jokingly asked our 3 yr old if he goes to work and he got really mad and said “NO I eat and play” which wow ok

— amil (@amil) January 21, 2021

“How dare my 11yo mock me,” I think indignantly, before checking the Twitter account where I’ve been writing snarky tweets about her for almost 4 years.

— SpacedMom (@copymama) January 18, 2021

Be kind to everyone you meet. You don’t know how much time they’ve had to spend with their family.

— Jessie (@mommajessiec) January 19, 2021

might fuck around and let my kids have an entire day of recess because fuck homeschool

— Moderately Mom (@momtribevibe) January 21, 2021

[Every time I’m listening to my 80’s playlist]

6yo: is this guy dead?

6yo: is THIS guy dead?

6yo: how dead is this guy?

Me: *just sobbing quietly into my tea*

— Frin ☕️🌷 (@dimplesticks) January 21, 2021

after brushing out her tangles my daughter exclaimed she was “prettier than a hippo in a dress” and it is hereby my daily mantra

— That Mom Tho (@mom_tho) January 16, 2021

Left his bone in the baby’s room. Cannot get it until the nap is over. Tough morning for Leo.

— Emily Favreau (@emilyfavreau) January 17, 2021

Can you die from being, "Hey, Mommy?"-ed all motherfucking day?

— Mommy Cusses (@mommy_cusses) January 20, 2021

“Am I getting the frontcine or the baccine first?”

- My 5yo after telling him he’ll need two shots

No one correct him.

— Satirical Mommy (@MommySatirical) January 21, 2021

The 3 words a parent never wants to hear from their child, "I googled you."

— Queen Bee 🐝 (@my_hive_away) January 18, 2021

No one:

My 4 year old: Anyway, since we’re talking about me...

— Arianna Bradford (@thearibradford) January 21, 2021

"I emailed the teacher but haven't heard back" is the new "my dog ate my homework."

— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) January 19, 2021

My 7 year old in one breath: Mommy I love you does it hurt to die?”

Who needs sleep anyway, right?

— ThisOneSays (@ThisOneSayz) January 16, 2021

kids: wanna see something cool? just wait one second. trust me, it's going to be really cool. hold on. just a're going to love it. it's really cool, trust me. ok, are you ready? one second, I'm almost ready. this is going to be so cool.


— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) January 21, 2021

My daughter is mad at me because I didn’t offer her a banana first thing this morning.

She hates bananas.

— Professional Worrier (@pro_worrier_) January 18, 2021

I got halfway through writing an email to a company letting them know that their bag of trailmix didn't contain any of the chocolate chips advertised on the bag before remembering that I have two kids.

— Henpecked Hal (@HenpeckedHal) January 20, 2021

Child: Hey mom-
Child: NEVER MIND I'll ASK ALEXA. Hey Alexa-

— Rodney Lacroix (@RodLacroix) January 18, 2021