I recently wrote about my decision to cut off my hair. Well I did it... Due to my nervousness I didn't go hard on my fundraising as I got an offer to do the haircut and just went with it.
This means I still have £700 to raise and was hoping that you could help me. I am fundraising for Womankind Worldwide who do excellent work with women's groups focusing on women in conflict. The idea to cut my hair off was inspired by the many women who have their hair forcibly cut off across the world in conflict, prisons or when a woman becomes a widow.
I hope that as well as challenging my own perceptions about my hair, and donating it to charity that I can raise money for Womankind Worldwide. Having all my hair cut off by choice in a nice London hair salon is nothing like the traumatic experience that many women experience but it's a gesture of solidarity and support.
We have made a video to share with you about the hair cut which was documented by Sarah Leslie. The music has been composed by Tobias George Silvester and the haircut was done by Lacey Hawkins of Percy and Reed. All three of these wonderful people donated their time for free. I hope that you enjoy the video and make a donation, even if it is just small to help us reach our taget of £50 an inch.