There are many benefits to sex, but one of the best things about doing the deed is that – for the most part – you can do it whenever you want to. But we all have specific times and days that we would classify as the perfect time to experience the big O.
Whether it’s the thrill of a morning quickie, an afternoon delight, or a bit of steamy action at midnight, everyone has their favourite times of day for a little bit of intimacy.
Are you more of a Sunday morning lay-in with some spicy action, or is Friday night the time when you like to make love?
Vivastreet surveyed nearly 5,000 Brits to discover the most popular days of the week and times of day to have sex.
Monday Blues? Not in the bedroom
Monday may be the most dreaded day of the week for many people, but it seems to be an excellent day for sex.
1 in 10 Brits enjoys having sex on a Monday more than any other day. 42% of those who like to have sex on a Monday prefer to have it in the morning and James Taylor, a sexual health consultant and the founder of Adults Toy Guide, explains that “getting intimate before work helps to distract from that ‘Monday blues’ feeling’ so people are ready to start the week on a high note.”
‘Hump day’ really is hump day
As the work week continues, people are starting to look ahead to the weekend. In the meantime, however, hump day provides a welcomed midweek break. Wednesdays have been dubbed as “hump day” for a reason, with 10% of people indicating that this is their favourite day of the week to have sex.
According to Sarah Melancon, a sociologist and sexologist, midweek sex can break up the monotony of the workweek and “bring a dash of fun to a time that can otherwise feel like you’re merely dragging your body along for the ride”
Those over 65 also seem to particularly enjoy hump day, as it was voted the second favourite day of the week to have sex by this age group.
Melancon says that older people, and especially those who are retired, no longer associate weekends with partying like younger generations do.
Feel-good Friday
As the week draws to a close, people are looking to celebrate, and what better way to kick that off than with some Friday fun? Friday is the second most popular day of the week to have sex, with 24% of respondents indicating that this is their favourite day to get intimate.
So much so that 34% of those chose Friday night to have sex and experts suggest that Friday sex can be particularly enjoyable as it is the start of the weekend, and people are typically more relaxed.
Sexploring Saturday
Saturdays are typically associated with fun and adventure, and sex is no exception. 27% of Brits chose Saturday as their favourite day to have sex making it the most popular day of the week to sexplore, with sex experts suggesting that this may be because people have more time to explore and experiment on the weekends.
With no work commitments for most, Saturdays provide the perfect opportunity to indulge in some erotic playtime.
Sunday funday
Sunday may traditionally be a day of rest, but that doesn’t seem to apply to all of us. According to our research, 15% of respondents name Sunday as their favourite day to have sex. Sex experts suggest that Sunday sex can be particularly enjoyable as it provides a sense of closure to the week and prepares individuals for the start of a new week.
“Because of the 48-hour sex ‘afterglow’, Sunday sex can help individuals and couples feel more relaxed and positive at the beginning of the week,” Melancon says.
So, we know what days Brits like to have sex, but what about time?
When it comes to the best time of day to have sex, there are two camps: early birds and night owls.
It seems that Brits tend to be both, with over 27% preferring to have sex at night and nearly 26% opting for morning sex. But this differs between sexes.
A third of women indicate that they prefer nighttime sex, while only 24% of men prefer nocturnal sex. Men tend to be early birds as they are more likely to opt for sex in the morning, with 27% choosing it as their favourite time of day to have sex, compared to only 18% of women.
However, it survey found that the most popular time for lovemaking is midnight. Midnight, with 60% of Brits opting for this hour. There’s just something about the witching hour that gets people in the mood.
In contrast, 4:00 am appears to be the least favoured time for sexual activity overall, with only 3% of respondents selecting it as their preferred time for some bedroom adventure.