The One Thing You Should Be Doing After A Big Meal To Improve Your Health

And no, unfortunately, it isn't napping.

Is there anything more satisfying than the feeling after a big meal? You’re full, you’re a little sleepy, and you’re satisfied. In fact, for some (me), it’s the ideal time to just nod right off and have a cheeky 20 minute nap.

In fact, the Christmas Day nap after the huge dinner is a highlight of the day for me.

However, apparently, what we should be doing is not napping but actually, walking. I know, I know, I’m disappointed too, but I think the health benefits may make it worthwhile.

According to @nikkithepa, an aesthetics, emergency and functional med physician assistant and TikTok creator, going for a walk after a big meal has a multitude of health benefits.


Taking a walk after eating can significantly improve digestion and enhance overall metabolism. 🍽️🔬 When you engage in gentle physical activity, like walking, it helps stimulate your digestive system, aiding in the breakdown of food and absorption of nutrients. It also encourages the movement of food through your gastrointestinal tract, reducing the likelihood of discomfort and bloating. 💪🌟 Moreover, walking after a meal has been found to positively impact blood sugar control. After you eat, your blood sugar levels rise, but walking can help your body utilize glucose more effectively. This means it helps prevent sharp spikes and dips in blood sugar, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those aiming to manage their weight. 📊🥦 Post-meal walks can also contribute to weight management. Engaging in light exercise, like walking, increases the number of calories burned, assisting in weight maintenance or even weight loss over time. It's a fantastic way to stay active without putting excessive strain on your body. 🏃♀️🌈 So, why not make post-meal walks a regular part of your routine? Not only will you optimize digestion and metabolism, but you'll also enjoy the added benefits of fresh air, stress reduction, and a chance to connect with nature. 🌳🌼 Remember, it doesn't have to be a vigorous workout. A gentle stroll around the block or a nearby park is all it takes to reap these scientifically proven advantages. 💚✨ #PostMealWalks #ElevateYourWellBeing #HealthyHabits #weighloss #glucosecontol

♬ Don't Let Me Go - Lane 8 & Arctic Lake

Why you should go for a walk after a big meal

In a recent video, Nikki says that this is the most simple but effective health habit you should be adding to your day for these x reasons:

Can help with digestion

Taking a short walk after a meal improves digestion. This is because walking helps to stimulate the muscles in your abdomen, promoting the movement of food through your digestive system.

Helps with blood sugar control

Nikki says: “By engaging in a post-meal walk, your muscles become more receptive to glucose uptake, allowing them to efficiently utilise and absorb the sugar from your blood stream.”

She adds that this helps regulate your blood sugar levels, preventing sharp spikes and crashes, promoting a metabolic balance.

It offers mental and emotional benefits

Nikki said that as you walk after a meal, your brain releases “feel good neurotransmitters” like serotonin and endorphins which improve the mood and reduce stress levels as well as enhancing overall mental wellbeing.

Nikki advises walking between 30 minutes to an hour after your meal and your walk only needs to be 10 to 15 minutes.

We’re off to get our steps in....
