The Truth About Giving Kids Pocket Money Summed Up In 28 Tweets

"My daughter telling me not to worry because she got her own allowance from my purse did not have the effect she intended"

My 11 y/o daughter wanted an allowance so we started negotiating a chores list but she put up her hand after a couple minutes and said, “Okay, this is great, but like when do we work in some self-care here?” Kids always know who to put first.

— NicholasG (@Dad_At_Law) December 12, 2022

My toddler calls allowance “aplowance” and if you correct her, you’re dead to me

— Real Life Mommy (@reallifemommy3) November 3, 2022

14yo made 4.6 GPA for 1st semester of HS, so I gave him $40 for his savings to build a gamer PC, countering all my training that kids earn good grades for food+shelter. Boy said I was "indulging in capitalist excess," but also asked if he was still gon get his regular allowance👀

— Uju Anya (@UjuAnya) November 9, 2020

My daughter telling me not to worry because she got her own allowance from my purse did not have the effect she intended

— Katie D (@KatieDeal99) February 8, 2024

My 10yo just asked me for his allowance and sang “I like big bucks and I cannot lie” and I know I’m not supposed to like this as his parent but I do, I really do

— I Hide From My Kids (@IHideFromMyKids) February 9, 2022

My son asked if I got an allowance as a kid.

I said yeah…my mom allowed me to stay in the house rent free and eat every night.

— Lecrae (@lecrae) June 16, 2021

Teen: mom when can I have some allowance

Me: things are kinda tight

Teen: but I still get one tho right


— The Baby Lady (@thebabylady7) April 16, 2020

Give your kids an allowance so they can stop selling their teeth to a fairy

— eLeni ❄️ (@eleniZarro) December 15, 2021

You should let your kids stay up however long they want but force them to go to school in the morning or they lose their allowance. That’s closer to preparing them to adulthood than making them go to sleep.

— Shower Thoughts (@ShwrThght) February 20, 2019

My 8yo folding laundry: Hey Mom! Is this huge underwear yours?

So, my husband will be pleased we'll be saving a lot of money on allowance.

— cathryn 💚🇨🇦 (@AngryRaccoon2) March 2, 2014

We settled on a $10/week allowance for the kid.

“It’s almost Friday, and your allowance!”

Kid: “Don’t forget last week’s. And for the last 5 years I’ve been in school.”


— Legal Eagle 🦅 (@AllThingsCivil) September 15, 2022

My 8yo outlined all the chores she had done this week, demanded her allowance, then marched over and handed me my wallet.

She's available if you need a pep talk before your next salary negotiation.

— SpacedMom (@copymama) July 29, 2018

I give my kids an allowance to teach them about money, and I secretly steal portions of it to teach them about hidden fees

— The Dad (@thedad) November 20, 2022

When I told my kids they could start doing chores to earn an allowance, my youngest grabbed some socks and started performing a puppet show. Had to tell her that puppeteering is not a chore but a PASSION.

— Brooke Breit (@brookebreit) August 19, 2021

Me: “Out of all of the billions of kids in the world, you are my very favourite. I love you the most.”

Wilder: “Can I have my allowance?”

— Jewel Staite (@JewelStaite) December 31, 2020

I taught my kids about inflation and now I’m embroiled in an acrimonious allowance negotiation.

— Brian Brenberg (@BrianBrenberg) January 21, 2023

My husband forgot his phone in the house so my son ran in and got it and changed his wallpaper to barf emojis so I bumped up his allowance.

— @itssherifield (@itssherifield) December 12, 2022

professor dad who makes his kids submit funding proposals to increase their allowance

— Yoni Brande (@YoniAstro) February 23, 2021

I offered my oldest additional allowance money to vacuum rugs, which the kid jumped at.

Why haven't I been doing this already?


— Dr. Kelly J. Baker (she/her) (@kelly_j_baker) July 18, 2021

My kid just told me that if Lego people live in houses made of Lego they’re technically living inside their own flesh so I raised his allowance

— Swim Jeans 👖 (@ShortSleeveSuit) April 24, 2021

Thoughts and prayers for my kids who are upset that they didn't get their allowance this week, even though they didn't do anything to earn their allowance this week.

— Sweet Momissa (@sweetmomissa) January 2, 2021

My 11yo had the nerve to ask for his allowance even though his room looks like a crime scene and I mean, imagine what he could accomplish if he used this level of audacity for good.

— Snarky Mommy (@SnarkyMommy78) January 4, 2021

We have an app that gives my daughter allowance and we can take money away if she misbehaves and note the reason.

Yesterday, I took a dollar off and put in a note that said “Left half-eaten chicken drumstick on the living room floor.”

— SpacedMom (@copymama) December 14, 2021

My daughter is insisting I buy twitter and has offered to help pay for it with her allowance money so either she thinks her parents are billionaires or her allowance is way too high

— Real Life Mommy (@reallifemommy3) April 26, 2022

My teenager asked for a bigger allowance “because of inflation” and I said no because of supply chain issues.

— The Dad (@thedad) November 23, 2021