Theresa May Is Now Defending Her Legacy In No.10 – But Critics Just Aren't Having It

The former PM has spoken out about her unpopular Brexit deal and the Windrush scandal.
Former prime minister Theresa May during a recording with Andrew Marr for LBC.
Former prime minister Theresa May during a recording with Andrew Marr for LBC.
Stefan Rousseau - PA Images via Getty Images

Theresa May has been defending her Downing Street record as she publicises her upcoming book – but it hasn't taken long for people to start to call her out online.

After months of parliamentary deadlock over her Brexit deal, the former prime minister – famously a remainer – was forced from office in 2019 and replaced by Boris Johnson.

She has been on the parliamentary backbenches ever since, only occasionally making headlines when she uses her platform in the Commons to criticise her own party if she thinks they take too much of a hardline approach.

But now she’s taken part in an interview with the BBC’s Political Thinking with Nick Robinson, and spoken to LBC’s Tonight With Andrew Marr, to promote her book, Abuse of Power.

She told the BBC that the UK would be better off if the Conservatives had just accepted her Brexit deal back four years ago, rather than repeatedly blocking it.

“It wouldn’t have given either side 100% of what they wanted, but it would have given the country a better overall deal,” she said.

Johnson notably struck a new (albeit very similar) EU deal, then held a snap general election and won on a landslide, thus breaking the parliamentary deadlock. He was also forced to resign three years later.

May told LBC that Johnson’s agreement was a “bad deal”, because it included the Northern Ireland Protocol.

This element of the agreement has since been re-written in Rishi Sunak’s Windsor Framework – but May’s online critics still didn’t let her get away with suggesting she had proposed the superior deal.

People on X (formerly Twitter) suggested that the disaster around her final few months in office was of her own making.

For balance, however, it was also Theresa May’s own rash, not consulted on, entirely unprompted, precipitous, half-baked “red lines” that created the extremely narrow gangplank she was eventually forced to walk. ~AA

— Best for Britain (@BestForBritain) September 13, 2023

her deal was just as useless as Boris and his oven ready deal. Her red lines were based on the nonsense that the "EU needed us more than we needed them" and that they would soon capitulate on everything.

That worked out well didn't it?

— James Morton (@Glesca_Grognard) September 13, 2023

More Selective Tory Memories

A few days ago, it was Lettuce Liz’s “if only” take on her few disastrous days in office, and today, it's the turn of Money Tree May, and things would have been better with my deal.
Fruitcakes, all of them!

— EU Paul: General Election Countdown (@NotEasilyDuped) September 13, 2023

Confirming what we already know to be true, which is that the Brexit deal is crap.

— European Movement UK (@euromove) September 13, 2023

Elsewhere, May also explained that her book discusses abuses of power where people were “defending their institution” rather than “protecting those they were there to serve”.

This prompted people to point out that she was the prime minister when the Windrush scandal came to light.

Five years earlier, she had created the “hostile immigration policy” as home secretary, a move which saw thousands of British citizens – who had the right to remain in the UK – targeted in an attempt to reduce illegal immigration.

So, her attempts to discuss abuses of power went down like a lead balloon with some online critics.

#Windrush was perhaps the biggest organised abuse of power of the last 2 decades & when we reported it @Channel4News months before other broadcasters, @10DowningStreet banned us from access to ministers for “banging on about something no one else cares about” An abuse of power ?

— Ben de Pear (@bendepear) September 13, 2023

Theresa May flogging her book & trying to rehabilitate her revolting legacy makes my stomach churn.

How dare she try to vindicate herself from the hostile environment she designed, the windrush scandal she caused, and the innumerable lives still blighted by her policies #r4today

— Zoe Gardner (@ZoeJardiniere) September 13, 2023

May also said she would not have used the same language as current home secretary, Suella Braverman, who described the migrant crisis as an “invasion” last year.

She told LBC that it was “not the language that I would use”.

Again, people just pointed to her own hostile environment policy.

Theresa May says she wouldn't have used Braverman's 'invasion' comments about migrants.

No, you would have just sent vans round telling people to go home.

Honestly, her resurrection as some kind of moral voice shows how short some folks' memories are

— Jack Mendel ✍️ (@Mendelpol) September 13, 2023

But, May did admit this week that this strategy was a mistake.

She told LBC: “It’s only fair to people who come here legally, that people who are here illegally are not able to, if you like, carry on living a life as if they’ve come here legally.

“And so it was aimed at a particular group of people. What of course happened was it came by some to be interpreted as more generally applying to to people who had come in to live in the country. And that was a mistake, because that was never what was intended.”


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