Theresa May On BBC Question Time Torn Apart By Abigail Eatock On Backtracking

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A young Ukip member launched a merciless attack on Theresa May’s record of backtracking and dodging the public during the live Question Time Leaders Debate on Friday.

Abigail Eatock, chair of York University’s Young Independence society, was given the first opportunity to pose a question to the Prime Minister, who has come under heavy fire for declining to take part in head-to-head debates.

I wouldn't want to fuck up Abigail's lunch order#bbcqt

— Sathnam Sanghera (@Sathnam) June 2, 2017
Abigail Eatock is pictured with former Ukip MP Douglas Carswell on her Facebook page
Abigail Eatock is pictured with former Ukip MP Douglas Carswell on her Facebook page
Abigail Eatock/Facebook

After the debate Eatock, who studies politics and international relations, told HuffPost: “I was disappointed by her answer, she was rehearsed.

“I’m a Ukip member but I don’t have a Ukip candidate in my area so I’m going to spoil my ballot.”

Read her exchange with the PM in full, below.


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