Theresa May Criticised For Partying With Daily Mail's Paul Dacre Amid Government Turmoil

'That stinks.'

Theresa May has had a busy few days as she struggles to keep her Government together in the face of resignations, scandal and the ever-present Brexit quagmire.

But last night the Prime Minister found time to attend a party in honour of Paul Dacre’s 25th year as Daily Mail Editor, a move described as “utterly nauseating” and “putting all satirists out of a job” by her critics.

After her hideous day, the prime minister arrives tonight for a dinner with friends - a banquet at Stationers’ Hall in the City to celebrate Paul Dacre’s 25 years as Daily Mail editor. More on News at 10 on ITV at 10 @NewsAtTen

— Robert Peston (@Peston) November 8, 2017

Just hours after forcing the humiliating resignation of Priti Patel, the second Cabinet Minister to do so in just a week, May and her husband Philip attended the celebration at the lavish Stationers Hall in the City of London.

Alastair Campbell and Labour’s David Lammy led the reaction with many others asking where the PM’s priorities lay.

Utterly nauseating that as government implodes May goes to a ‘banquet’ to ‘celebrate’ the career of hard right sociopathic hypocrite Dacre

— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) November 8, 2017

May sycophancy to sociopathic hard right Paul Dacre tonight further proof Brexit is of the hard right for the hard right by the hard right

— Alastair Campbell (@campbellclaret) November 8, 2017

Last night of all nights the PM went to a banquet to 'celebrate' Paul Dacre's 25 years as Editor of Daily Mail? That stinks

— David Lammy (@DavidLammy) November 9, 2017

So relieved that the Prime Minister was able to attend Paul Dacre’s party last night. #priorities

— James O'Brien (@mrjamesob) November 9, 2017

Dacre, 68, is one of the most powerful figures in UK media and has used his influence to push for Brexit and a reduction in immigration.

The Daily Mail has been a staunch supporter of May and Dacre was the only media figure to be privately dined by No 10 during her first six months in office.

No wonder Theresa May kow tows to Daily Mail editor Paul Dacre and attends his parties...but this front page rings very hollow now don't you think?

— Nick Kehoe (@NickKehoe01) November 9, 2017

ALT TEXT: After 25 years as editor of the Daily Mail, Paul Dacre celebrates with a banquet at Stationers’ Hall which the embattled PM has to attend. #power

— Janine Gibson (@janinegibson) November 8, 2017

#TheresaMay paying homage to Paul Dacre, demonstrating that there is no indignity she will not undergo to remain in power.

— David Head (@DavidHeadViews) November 8, 2017

In the wake of the Brexit referendum last year a leaked email from Daily Mail columnist Sarah Vine to her husband Michael Gove revealed the reach of Dacre and his contemporary, Rupert Murdoch, in British politics.

It read:

One simple message: You MUST have SPECIFIC assurances from Boris OTHERWISE you cannot guarantee your support. The details can be worked out later on, but without that you have no leverage.

Crucially, the membership will not have the necessary reassurance to back Boris, neither will Dacre/Murdoch, who instinctively dislike Boris but trust your ability enough to support a Boris Gove ticket. Do not concede any ground. Be your stubborn best. GOOD LUCK.

Dan Kitwood via Getty Images

May is facing further questions about the Government’s knowledge of Priti Patel’s unofficial Israel meetings following her resignation as International Development Secretary.

Labour is set to continue pressing for more information about how much – and when – the Prime Minister knew about Patel’s secret meetings with senior Israeli figures, reports the Press Association.

Shadow international development secretary Kate Osamor said Mrs May must either get control of her “decaying government” following the resignation of Ms Patel or step aside and let Labour govern.

And Deputy Labour Leader, Tom Watson, has written to Mrs May demanding answers about officials’ knowledge of Ms Patel’s activities during a holiday in Israel in August.

Osamor said: “Priti Patel appears to have breached the Ministerial Code, gone behind the Government’s back, and misled the British public.

“After initially denying the allegations, then repeatedly changing her story and failing to disclose all of her meetings, it is right that she has now resigned.

“But we still need to know what was discussed in these meetings and what Number 10 and the Foreign Office knew and when.

“Theresa May must get control of her chaotic cabinet and decaying government or step aside for Labour to govern for the many not the few.”


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