Theresa May Should Resign Over London Bridge Attack, Says Steve Hilton

David Cameron's ex-adviser says PM 'blame-shifting'.

Theresa May should resign as prime minister rather than be seeking to win a general election in three days time, David Cameron’s former top adviser has said.

Steve Hilton said on Twitter this morning the prime minister was “responsible” for “security failures” that resulted in terror attacks in London Bridge, Manchester and Westminster Bridge.

He said May “should be resigning not seeking re-election”.

HIlton also tweeted a picture of a newspaper article which reported May was putting pressure on the security services to crack down on extremism and accused the prime minister of “blame-shifting” after Saturday’s attack.

“Her spin doctors attack MI5, but she was in charge of them for years,” he said.

Theresa May responsible for security failures of London Bridge, Manchester, Westminster Bridge. Should be resigning not seeking re-election

— steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) June 5, 2017

Hilton worked for Cameron in Downing Street in the early years of the coalition government formed in 2010.

He left No.10 in 2012 to move to the United States and now runs Crowdpac - a political internet crowdfunding platform.

Conservative candidate Nadine Dorries, who is seeking re-election to her Mid Bedfordshire seat, dismissed his attacks on May.

Steve, you were part of the Cameron Obsorne Hilton trio in No10 It was you guys who gave each SOS their budget It was done on YOUR watch

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) June 5, 2017

tx Nadine take yr point but a) i left 2012 b) not just abt budget.
why did she stand outside No.10 + blame others, not take responsibility?

— steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) June 5, 2017

You were in No10 with GO &DC long enough to know She is the Prime Minister and her priority was to take control, evaluate and reassure

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) June 5, 2017

but instead she sought to evade blame and politicize. her statement outside No.10 yesterday was outrageous

— steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) June 5, 2017

Her statement was not about politics it was about calming and reassuring a nation about evaluating the risk to us and makinga promise to fix

— Nadine Dorries (@NadineDorries) June 5, 2017

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