All politicians know it’s important to get out there and meet the voters - so what better way than a good door-knock?
In fact, Theresa May herself apparently believes firmly that she is a “doorstep campaigner”.
When shown her election itinerary, the prime minister was apparently less than impressed.

According to the Press Association, she responded: “Stop trying to limit how much time I am spending on the doorstep.
“I am a doorstep campaigner and from now on I want to spend proper time knocking on doors and seeing people.”
But when May tried to connect with the public while in Aberdeenshire over the weekend, things didn’t quite go to plan.
The prime minister had a go at getting out there alongside Andrew Bowie, Tory candidate for the West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine seat.
But here’s what happened...
Of course, general elections are fertile ground for cringe-worthy moments.
This year’s has already provided this gem of a moment:
While the last election produced a video so bizarre, it wasn’t even allowed to see the light of day during the campaign.
Nick Clegg genuinely filmed a recreation of Carly Rae Jepsen’s ‘I Really Like You’. To show his party was, you know, fun.
Honestly, we’re excited to see what else we’ll be treated to during this election cycle.