These Stories Of Mums Supporting Mums Show The Undeniable Power Of Kindness

All hail the sisterhood 👭

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, the smallest acts of kindness can make the biggest difference – especially as a new mum.

On Twitter, women have been sharing stories of when fellow mothers and other strangers went out of their way to help them during a tough day.

It started when author Amanda Jennings tweeted to thank a woman who comforted her 21 years ago, when she was sobbing in hospital after giving birth.

If there's a lady out there with a 3rd child aged 21, born around 25th Nov, who 21yrs ago crept through the curtains in a ward at Queen Charlotte's to comfort a sobbing new mum who felt overwhelmed, hugged her and said 'you are the best and only mum your baby wants'. THANK YOU.

— Amanda Jennings (@MandaJJennings) March 5, 2019

I think about that lovely woman a lot. It was such a simple gesture. So lovely. I felt very lost, unsure how to soothe my baby, out of my depth, and she was like an angel. I often pass her message on to other new mums. These small acts of kindness are so important.

— Amanda Jennings (@MandaJJennings) March 5, 2019

Her tweet received thousands of likes, and she had hundreds of responses from women who could completely relate.

Their wonderful tales speak for themselves:

‘She made me less afraid’

After my Caesarian I was afraid to look at my scar The woman in the next bed showed me her scar, which made me less afraid. Apparently when she was afraid another woman showed her her scar. So later I showed my scar to someone else. I hope the chain is still going on.

— Melanie Rimmer (@Melanie_Rimmer) March 6, 2019

‘I think about it so often’

When my daughter was 3 & having a particularly tricky moment in shop a wonderful woman came up to me and said ‘don’t ever put that fire out, she’ll need it one day’. I think about it so often & have said it to friends of mine who have strong, loud, boisterous, brilliant girls. 💪🏼

— Grace Staniland (@gracestaniland) March 6, 2019

‘She told me not to worry’

My moment was when my toddler daughter wouldn’t stay at a restaurant table. We were in early - few other customers. A woman came over and I braced myself. Instead she said ‘Don’t worry, the behaviour that’s stressing you now, will make you proud when she’s older.’ She was right.

— WorkforceHospiscare (@HROD_Hospiscare) March 6, 2019

‘You’re doing such a good job’

When my eldest was 6 wks we spent weekend w my in-laws during the growth spurt from hell. I staggered downstairs one morning half dead from feeding her aaaalll night and my mother in law said to me, “you’re doing SUCH a good job. Look at how well she’s doing.”

— Rachel Tripp (@rectripp) March 5, 2019

‘They said I was doing a great job when I really felt I wasn’t’

To the cashier in Tesco 7 years ago who told me I was doing a great job when I really felt that I wasn't. Thank you.

— Deborah Carroll (@NotBadParenting) March 6, 2019

‘Utter, utter kindness’

Me too - an elderly woman who stopped me in a supermarket and said, 'It's so bloody hard at first, but I promise you won't regret it.' Utter, utter kindness.

— Katherine May (@_katherine_may_) March 6, 2019

‘She started unloading the buggy’

I was frantically trying to pile my groceries out of my stroller while my daughter kicked off. A sturn faves elderly lady in front of me line just started unloading the stroller from the other side. She smiled & said “there’s never enough hands when they become toddlers is there?

— Jaime (@GirlLovesGloss) March 6, 2019

’A new coffee was placed on my table’

When I was on my first day alone with my (3 yr old, adopted, had only known him a month!) boy after husbands paternity leave ended, I took him for coffee/babyccino. He reached out and pulled the table, knocked my coffee all over table, me, floor, my bag, his pushchair...

— Zena West (@ZenaWesty) March 5, 2019 was still hot. In narrowly missed him. I had got sticky coffee everywhere and sudden panics about burning my son. I burst into tears as I grabbed at some napkins. Staff came over with blue towels. A new coffee was placed on my freshly cleaned table, a gentle hand...

— Zena West (@ZenaWesty) March 5, 2019

...rested on my shoulder, she passed me a tissue, and she told me I was doing a grand job and we all had days like this. As it wasn’t obvious how new a mum I was, I’m not sure she knew how much that meant.

— Zena West (@ZenaWesty) March 5, 2019