The big day is over, the presents are all unwrapped, the food is eaten and the family reunions are slowing down.
So what do you do with your kids during twixmas - those couple of days between Christmas and New Year while they are still off school?
We asked parents on Facebook and chatted to Mumsnetters to find out how other mums and dads will be occupying their little ones during this time.

1. Do nothing.
We’re serious about this one - and don’t feel guilty about it either. You’ve spent the past few months planning for Christmas, buying presents, attending parties, entertaining others and now it’s all over.
Give yourself a day or more to spend time at home with your children - doing admin, sitting with them while they lay with their presents and slowly taking a breather from all that festive madness.
2. Write thank you cards.
Spend a couple of hours getting your kids to write thank you cards for their presents. Depending on their age, it might be easier for you to write the bulk of the message and get them to sign their name or, if they’re at school, getting them to write their own message will make it more personal.
Make it into a crafternoon by getting out coloured pens and glitter for them to decorate the cards.
3. Spend time outside, whatever the weather.
Parents on Mumsnet suggested heading outside for a walk and to get some fresh air, even if it’s just for one afternoon. It can be a good way to de-stress and reap the benefits of being outside.
“Put on raincoats and wellies and do some puddle jumping,” one Mumsnet user said.
Another suggested: “Thrill the kids with a ‘muddy walk’. Put on old clothes and waterproofs, jump in all the mud and get as dirty as possible. Hose down before entering the house if necessary.”
4. Make life-size portraits.
We love this suggestion from one Mumsnet user, who said: “To make life-size portraits, use either a large piece of card or lining paper (joined together, if necessary).
“Draw around your children and let them cut up old clothes and cloths to dress their portraits.”
5. Make slime.
For some reason, kids just love it.
We’ve got a 10-step guide on how to make slime here. You’ll need a pack of cornflour, water, and food colouring (glitter is optional).

6. Create indoor forts and sand.
Making indoor dens, forts and castles with furniture and sheets, is the perfect way to spend time at home if you don’t want to leave the house.
Or, as one Mumsnet user suggested, take it one step further and create sand: “Empty a bag of rice or lentils into a plastic/cardboard box to make an indoor sandbox for trucks. It keeps small children occupied for ages!”
7. Make a graffiti wall.
“Stick some blank paper on a wall somewhere in your house and turn it into a ‘graffiti wall’,” said one Mumsnet user.
Cover it with A4 or A3 pieces of paper and then grab pens, stickers, paint (as long as they’re not going to splat it on the ceiling) and crayons. Leave them for a couple of hours to see what wacky creation they come up with.
8. Encourage compassion.
Adrian Bethune, primary school teacher and founder of wellbeing website Teachappy said teaching kids to give back at this time of the year is a great way to encourage compassion.
“For every present your child receives this Christmas can they choose a current toy/book/puzzle to give to someone less fortunate than themselves?” he asked.
“So six presents = six donations. They can be wrapped and placed in a large box and taken to a local hospital that has a children’s ward.”
Perhaps go through your child’s old toys and look at what they could donate to charity, to make space for their new toys.
9. Go ice skating.
Trying to fit in all the festive events ahead of Christmas can seem near impossible, but many of these do carry on until the beginning of January.
Make the most of activities that aren’t on all year round, like ice skating. Don your boots, wrap up warm and find your local ice rink for a chilly glide.
10. Watch the best Christmas films.
There’s nothing better than chilling on the sofa with a cup of tea (or hot chocolate for your kids), a blanket, and a festive film on.
Find out all the festive favourites available on Netflix to stream here over the Christmas period and find out what’s on TV over the festive period here.