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This Is How To Overcome Monday’s Wake-Up Call And Smash The Week

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Yeah, so Monday. While zipping out of bed, performing a speedy HIIT workout and getting your pre-prepped green smoothie down before 8am is the sort of dream we’re all aspiring to, it’s not that simple.

Two days spent luxuriating in lie-ins over the weekend mean that our bodies have their internal clock confused. The upshot of that is that when the 6.30am alarm goes off, your urge to hit snooze is overwhelming.

Which is why Arla want to help you to get on board with their new initiative: helping the nation to Eat Monday For Breakfast. All about empowering us to seize the new week like true bosses, it’s set to get us re-framing how we see those first-thing hours.

To take us on the journey, here’s comedian Nick Helm’s valiant voyage from morning hater to morning embracer – via some quality time spent with a trio of dawn time dons.

From Rex the fishmonger...

To super-fit Kenny, the stunt man.

And on to go-getter dairy farmer, Barbara.

Watch and be inspired to go forth and live that Monday morning life.
