This Tampon Can Tell If You Have Thrush – But It Costs £70

The new at-home screening kit is a world first.
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A new tampon-based at-home vaginal microbiome screening kit has just been launched by gynaecological health startup Daye.

The first of its kind in the world, the kit will be able to tell you if you have vaginal infections like thrush or bacterial vaginosis (BV).

It can also detect if your vaginal microbiome is disrupted, which can increase your chances of having STIs, vaginal infections, gynaecological cancers, as well as fertility and IVF complications.

Your vagina is similar to your gut in that it’s the home to billions of bacteria – some which are good, others which are bad – that make up your vaginal microbiome.

Daye has changed the use of an everyday tampon to a tool that can allow women to test themselves at home rather than having to go to their GP surgery or sexual health clinic.

How it works

  1. Get a screening kit: Order a one-off test or subscribe for regular proactive screening.
  2. Take the sample: Insert and remove the tampon to easily collect a sample in the comfort of your own home.
  3. Send the sample back to Daye: The tampon will be analysed quickly and accurately in a UKAS accredited lab.

  4. Get your results online or on your phone: Access your results and aftercare securely via your phone or online.

  5. Book aftercare with a specialist if needed: In-person or virtual appointments with specialists can be scheduled via the Daye platform. Medication can be ordered via a digital prescribing pharmacist and people can also get personalised treatment options and lifestyle health hacks based on the results.

The price of the kit is £69.95, which is a little pricey considering the current cost of living crisis. All women deserve the opportunity to get checked for vaginal infections at home, but many won’t be able to afford to buy this home kit, which means they’ll just have to resort to going to the GP, which can present its own issues.

“Women are often anxious about visiting a GP in relation to their vaginal health and at-home testing options have long been dominated by painful, pokey swabs which can be hard to use,” Valentina Milanova, founder of Daye, comments.

“By redesigning the tampon, we have made testing more accessible, easy to use, and even more accurate. Since women are already experts in using tampons, it takes the stress out of testing. In fact, our research shows that both women and physicians much prefer using a tampon for testing purposes than a swab,” Milanova adds.

“Vaginal health has for too long not been treated with the importance it deserves,” Lisa Rodwell, CEO of Daye, says.

“Our purpose is to bridge the gender gap in medical research and innovation, provide women with valuable insights about their gynae health and raise the overall standard in women’s health. To do this, we are delivering products rooted in scientific rigour, yet inspired by female intuition.”
