Are you wearing the right bra size? A lot of us got measured when we’re teens and have been guessing the size of our bra since then. But what if I told you there’s way for you to find your accurate cup size at home?
As usual, TikTok is the gift that keeps giving, as one women has given us the ultimate bra size hack. User @pepperonimuffin, also known as Kirsten Titus, believed she was a D cup but her followers thought otherwise.
“It’s come to my attention that many women actually do wear bras that are too small, so today I’m going to show you guys how to measure it,” she said. So, she took it upon herself to measure her breasts at home.
She starts off by finding some measuring tap and measuring just below her breasts.
She suggests squeezing the tape as tight as possible so you can get your accurate size and round up to the closest inch. Next, “for our chest, we’re going to measure the most voluptuous part of our boobs,” she says. Again, she says we should round up to the nearest inch.
She didn’t feel comfortable sharing her actual bra size but she gave an example of how it works. “If my bust is a 30 and my chest is a 30, I would be a 30AA,” she said.
“If I’m a 30 bust and my chest is 31, I would be a 30A. If your chest was four inches bigger than your bust you would be a 30D.”
In simple terms, for each inch your chest is larger than your bust, you go up one cup size.
People in the comments were impressed with this method of finding your bra size. One user said: “As a certified bra fit consultant, she is accurate. Ladies also is you can’t find your size in store, look for your sister size.”
Another added: “The way I’ve worked at VS for almost three years now and you just taught me how to correctly do this…I think I’ve been sizing people incorrectly.”
A third person said: “This was explained very well. i have never understood until now,. I love you for being so aware that sharing sizes can be hurtful to others.”