This Woman Recreated The Perfect Baby Photoshoot – With Her PhD Thesis

We stan.

A woman has recreated the perfect newborn photoshoot with her PhD thesis (complete with knitted blanket) after finally finishing her studies.

Sarah Whelan Curtis has been studying for her doctorate at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. The topic: epigenetic variation and exposure to endocrine-disrupting compounds (yes, our heads hurt too).

Upon completion she decided to do the photoshoot, calling her work the “longest labor ever.”

Yes, I did a photo shoot with my thesis. Longest labor ever. #phdlife

— Sarah Whelan Curtis (@sarahwcurtis) June 4, 2019

Sarah tweeted on the same day Google celebrated the 373rd birthday of Elena Cornaro Piscopia, a female scholar from Venice who in 1678 became the first woman in the world to be awarded with a doctorate.

The search engine has Piscopia as their Google Doodle of the day pictured with her head in a book in a library.

Sarah’s tweet also inspired other female scholars to share their newborns.

i think we should be friends lol

— novayorkines (@joydevision) June 4, 2019


— paula 🏳️🌈 viúva e triste (@naoehanapaula) June 4, 2019

One had even knitted a personalised blanket for it.

I meant to do a PhD baby blanket, but never got past knitting the central panel...

— Dr. Stephanie Craven (@OpusMixtum) June 4, 2019

And asked the obvious questions.

Others shared the lengths they had gone to on hand-in day.

This is EVERYTHING!!!!!

This was my hand in photo. As I couldn’t bear the smiley normal photo as if I just casually wrote 130,000 words. No I was goddam showing the pain and torture too. Dragging myself to the finish line!

— Dr. Jennifer Cassidy (@OxfordDiplomat) June 4, 2019

Welcome to motherhood.
