The dining table is buried under a pile of laundry, you once had kitchen counters but are not sure they exist anymore underneath the stack of cups and plates you’re getting through while working from home.
As for the kitchen sink – tea stained and filled with toast crumbs – it’s definitely looking like it’s seen better days.
If all of this resonates after so much more time spent at home, Tik-Tok cleaning hack queen Carolina McCauley, from Perth, Australia, has your back.
In a TikTok that’s been watched almost 250,000 times, she suggests a handful of fairly speedy daily habits to adopt to keep your home spick and span.

1. When leaving a room, clear flat surfaces.
Stash away the remotes, don’t leave your hairbrushes and makeup on the side, put away papers and toys away in drawers and cupboards. The room – and your mind – will feel clearer when you step back into it.
2. Always make your bed
So little time can make such a difference to your wellbeing. Plump up your pillows and tuck your duvet in so it’s nice and neat – a couple of minutes but will leave your bedroom looking tidy and a treat to return to at the end of the day.
3. Don’t forget the kitchen sink
Ok, so this one requires a bit more energy. Wash up your cups and plates after using them – and put them away, too. Keep your sink clear of debris by giving it a proper wipe around. Stubborn stains? A bit of cleaning spray won’t hurt either. Don’t let the grub build up.
4. Fold laundry right away
It’s often tempting just to pile your laundry on a chair somewhere and put it away a week later, or simply pick items from the pile as you need them. Clean clothes aren’t dirty, but they will make your home feel that bit messier.
Once your laundry is dry, fold it and put it away immediately, says McCauley. Not only will it make getting dressed in the morning that bit easier, you’ll be pulling out clothes that aren’t ridiculously creased. Smoother all round.