Tim Apple: Donald Trump Gets Apple Boss Tim Cook's Name Wrong In Front Of Him

"Sorry Tim Apple, gotta go. I have an important meeting with Jeff Amazon and Kevin Instagram."

Donald Trump has attracted international attention once again, after calling Apple chief executive Tim Cook “Tim Apple” to his face.

“You’ve really put a big investment in our country, we appreciate it very much, Tim Apple,” the US president told Cook, during a technology meeting at the White House.

The blunder was caught on camera and was quickly shared on social media.

The pair were meeting to discuss eduction and jobs in tech as part of the American Workforce Policy Advisory Board.

Trump then went on a bizarre rant about crime statistics, the border wall and human trafficking, which, he said, “has been going on for a million years, but no one has done much about it until now.”

Cook is not the first person whose name Trump has got wrong in public.

He has forgotten, altered or mispronounced the names of former speaker Paul Ryan, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the initials of the Customs and Border Patrol and the town of Paradise, California, among others.

‘Tim Apple’ was trending on Twitter on Thursday. Here are some of the highlights...

tim apple, whose colleagues include john reddit and bill pornhub

— muna (@Muna_Mire) March 6, 2019

‘Sorry Tim Apple, gotta go. I have an important meeting with Jeff Amazon and Kevin Instagram.’ https://t.co/SNp49ZpZp7

— Matt Haig (@matthaig1) March 7, 2019

Calling Tim Cook Tim Apple to his face is my version of the American dream. I want to look Bill Gates in the eye and call him Jim Microsoft.

— Kaleb Horton (@kalebhorton) March 7, 2019

Tim Apple has just entered the Covfefe Hall of Fame, where DJ (or CJ, or DJ) eats hamberders all day with Melanie and her friends

— Seth Abramson (@SethAbramson) March 7, 2019

"Please, Tim Apple is my work name. Call me Mr. iPhone." https://t.co/8xcbH8p9cy

— Travon Free (@Travon) March 7, 2019

Tim Apple is trending and I knew why without clicking. pic.twitter.com/s7IlZljJ0i

— Gerry Duggan (@GerryDuggan) March 7, 2019

when he calls u tim apple pic.twitter.com/DmvWRCkfdy

— Dominic Monn (@dqmonn) March 6, 2019

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