Recently in the media, and society in general there has been a big push to eradicate the stigma surrounding mental health. Whether this is by mental health story lines being used in soaps such as Coronation Street and Emmerdale, celebrities sharing their experiences, members of society taking to the internet to display their thoughts/feelings/experiences/lessons learnt, or organisations and charities dedicated to taking over social media to increase awareness.
One campaign included in this recent drive is Time To Talk. It is ran by the organisation Time To Change. They're aim is to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health.
This day each year encourages people to take just five minutes out of their day to hold a conversation about mental health with friends, family, colleagues, or anyone else you can think of. Participants can log their five minutes on the Time To Change website in the hope of gaining an idea how how much time was spent on this day talking about mental health.
There have been huge changes in the acceptability regarding speaking out about mental health, especially depression and anxiety. However, there are many other mental health conditions that are less frequently talked about. These often include more serious mental health conditions. The ones people know very little (if anything) about and so don't know what to say or how to react when they're brought into conversation.
It's education such as this which needs to be pushed. Many people are far more aware that mental illnesses are a real thing, but don't fully understand how people are affected, and what this means for friends and family surrounding that person.
Slowly this is changing, but it is often these same people that are left feeling helpless, with little information previously available as to where they can turn to for help or information.
Unless you already know of charities or organisations w ho can provide help and information, many people are left feeling lost in the system (or not even in the system, just lost and helpless). They are unsure of how to access help, or simply cannot get what they need. This can be detrimental to someone's life.
One charity to provide help, information and training regarding mental health issues are Mind. They are dedicated to ensuring no one faces mental illness alone. These charities heavily rely on donations to keep up their high standard of work to meet to demand.
Mind has a base in the South Wales Valleys, where 1 in 4 are affected by mental health issues each year.
One of their dedicated staff members has taken to fundraising via justgiving. click here to read his story.
Find below organisations and helplines if you are affected by mental illness directly or indirectly, or even if you simply want to know more.
The Samartians
08457 90 90 90
Talk to us any time you like, in your own way, and off the record - about whatever's getting to you.
NHS Urgent Care Service
You should use the NHS 111 service if you urgently need medical help or advice but it's not a life-threatening situation.
0300 123 3393
Mind are open Mon-Fri 9am to 6pm, to help you make more informed choices about your situation. Perfect if you're struggling with life decisions.
0845 767 8000
SANE runs a national, out-of-hours mental health helpline offering specialist emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. Open every day of the year from 6pm to 11pm.
0845 120 3778.
Their telephone Advice Line service is usually open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Providing advice, support and information to those living with OCD.
0800 1111
If you are a child worried about your own safety, or an adult worried about a child, then contact Childline free.
Beat Eating Disorders
Adult Helpline 0845 634 1414.
This helpline is available to anyone over the age of 18 and is open Monday and Wednesday 10.30am - 7.30pm and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10.30am - 6.30pm.
Youthline 0845 634 7650.
The Youthline is available to anyone aged 25 or under, and is open Monday and Wednesday 10.30am - 7.30pm and Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10.30am - 6.30pm .
0800 068 41 41
Confidential Young Suicide Prevention Advice from Papyrus, prevention of Young Suicide.
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)
0800 58 58 58
National helpline is open 7 days a week, 5pm to midnight. Callers can talk through any issue,
Action on Depression
0808 802 2020
Phone support for those experiencing depression, including carers, family and friends.
AUK infoline
08444 775 774
The AUK infoline is available to provide information and advice on the appropriate self help resources and products available to support people with anxiety
Young Minds Parent Helpline
0808 802 5544
Currently Young Minds only provide a helpline for parents who are worried about their child's mental health.
Currently we only have a few countries covered, if you want to help us grow this list then contact us!
13 11 14
The Samaritans
Mental Health Information Service
1300 794 991
Salvation Army Hope for Life
1300 467 354
Kids Help Line
1800 551 800
Domestic Violence Line
1800 656 463
Mensline Australia
1300 789 978
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Kids Help Phone
1800 668 6868
New Zealand
Lifeline Aotearoa
Within Auckland 09 5222 999
Outside Auckland 0800 543 354
United States of America
Adolescent Suicide Hotline
Adolescent Crisis Intervention & Counseling Nineline
Child Abuse Hotline
Domestic Violence Hotline
Domestic Violence Hotline/Child Abuse
1-800-4-A-CHILD (800 422 4453)
Eating Disorders Center
Gay & Lesbian Trevor HelpLine Suicide Prevention
Help Finding a Therapist
1-800-THERAPIST (1-800-843-7274)