Sen. Tom Cotton's Gripe About Election 'Scam' Spectacularly Backfires

The Arkansas senator's latest complaint has a few glaring flaws.

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) found himself trending on Twitter for all the wrong reasons on Wednesday night after he complained about the results of a special election thousands of miles from his home.

Specifically, he griped that Democratic candidate Mary Peltola defeated Republicans Sarah Palin and Nick Begich to succeed the late Rep. Don Young (R) in an election that used ranked-choice voting:

Ranked-choice voting is a scam to rig elections.

— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) September 1, 2022

Ranked-choice voting was approved by Alaska voters in 2020. In a ranked-choice election, voters rank their candidates. If no candidate wins a majority of first-place votes ― as happened in this case ― the candidate who finished last is removed and their votes go to each voter’s second choice.

Peltola won a plurality in the first round, then an outright majority after the ranked-choice tabulations in the second.

Along with calling it a “scam,” Cotton said:

60% of Alaska voters voted for a Republican, but thanks to a convoluted process and ballot exhaustion—which disenfranchises voters—a Democrat "won."

— Tom Cotton (@TomCottonAR) September 1, 2022

Cotton’s critics were quick to point out that 60 percent of Alaska voters may have chosen a Republican, but they didn’t select the same Republican. And many were so unhappy with Palin that they were willing to accept a Democrat instead.

His critics also noted something else about Cotton’s complaint: It could just as easily apply to the Electoral College system, which disenfranchises voters and in 2000 and 2016 allowed a Republican presidential candidate to win despite receiving fewer votes than the Democratic candidate.

Nobody tell Tom who got the most votes in the 2016 presidential election.

— Molly Knight (@molly_knight) September 1, 2022

So you want to abolish the Electoral College then? We agree on something!

— Dr. Sarah Parcak ON HIATUS (@indyfromspace) September 1, 2022

Tom Cotton agrees Donald Trump should never have been president.

— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) September 1, 2022

How dare we have a system that doesn't give the victory to the candidate who won the popular vote!

— Noah Smith 🐇🇺🇦 (@Noahpinion) September 1, 2022

2.9 million more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump in 2016, but thanks to the convoluted Electoral College - which disenfranchises voters - Trump "won."

— James Surowiecki (@JamesSurowiecki) September 1, 2022

Everyone has a responsibility to immediately respond with how he feels about Congressional representation and the Electoral College. Dont even entertain this stuff.

— Darrell Owens (@IDoTheThinking) September 1, 2022

Wait until Tom Cotton hears who got more votes in 2016 and 2020.

— Mike Walsh 🇺🇸🐘 (@WalshMike84) September 1, 2022

Tom Cotton doesn't like ranked choice because he realizes that, unlike a winner takes all ticket, it's a lot harder for the GOP to rig the system in their favor because they can't win in a fair fight.

— Alisha Grauso (@AlishaGrauso) September 1, 2022

The Electoral College is a scam..When was the last time a Republican won the popular vote Senator? I will wait..

— Sailor Michael⚓✈ (@Megawatts55) September 1, 2022

Wahhh every time we lose, it's rigged. Joke of a political party from top to bottom.

— Centrism Fan Acct 🔹 (@Wilson__Valdez) September 1, 2022

So just like Republicans all decided it's cool to put your ballot in a mailbox but fraud to put it in a drop box because their idiot god-king told them so, now they'll decide RCV is a liberal plot because Alaska voters using it voted for a Democrat

— Paul Waldman (@paulwaldman1) September 1, 2022

Peltola won the first round, too. Ignore this guy. Don't listen to people who would gladly use the military against their country's own people if given the chance for their thoughts on elections. They've already given up the game.

— Chris “Subscribe to Law Dork!” Geidner (@chrisgeidner) September 1, 2022

Tom Cotton is really big mad cause the GOP thought rank choice voting would ensure no Democrat could ever get elected in Alaska. But, it turns out sane republican Alaskans would rather have a democrat than nutcase Sarah Palin… womp…womp

— Hadley Sheley (@HadleySheley) September 1, 2022

Lol Alaska Republicans literally voted to implement this in 2020

— Brandon Friedman (@BFriedmanDC) September 1, 2022

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