Tom Fletcher's Son Buzz Returns To See Dandelions A Year On, But This Time They're Not As Funny

The two-year-old infamously giggled hysterically at them in 2015.

Tom Fletcher's son Buzz has reassessed the comedic value of dandelions.

The two-year-old, who famously giggled hysterically at his dad blowing dandelions in April 2014, came across the flowers again on a walk one year later.

His mum Giovanna Fletcher uploaded a photo to Facebook of Buzz staring at a flower on Wednesday 20 April.

"Apparently they're not as funny this year...#buzzandthedandelions," she wrote.

The mum, who gave birth to her second child in February, was thanked for reminding everyone of the "hilarious video" uploaded last year.

"Thank you for reminding me of that video," one mum wrote. "Brilliant! My two-year-old was just in fits of giggles laughing at Buzz."

Another commented: "My little boy loved watching the video last year and even now when he sees these he says 'Mummy do you remember Buzz laughing at these?'"

"Still one of the best videos I've seen," added another.

The viral video, named 'Buzz and the dandelions' was uploaded by Tom Fletcher in April last year and has had more than nine million views to date.


The video shows the dad filming himself with Buzz on his back, while blowing the dandelion.

Buzz breaks out in fits of giggles.

"This is the first time my son Buzz has ever seen a dandelion," Fletcher wrote. "I think he liked it."

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