Tom Hiddleston Plays With A Baby Leopard On James Corden's 'Late, Late Show' And It's Basically Wonderful


As if we needed any further evidence that hot men and cute animals are a winning combination, Tom Hiddleston has definitely proved it with his latest appearance on ‘The Late, Late Show’.

During his interview with James Corden earlier this week, the ‘Kong: Skull Island’ actor was joined by animal expert Jack Hanna, who brought on some very special guests in the form of baby leopards.

Tom clearly couldn’t wait to get his hands on his adorable new pal, and was immediately besotted, as was fellow guest Thomas Middleditch, who told viewers: “I love cats... I'm eager. I'm so excited.”


Hilariously, Tom appeared to have a bit of trouble keeping his baby leopard under control, remarking that it was using him like “an adventure playground”.

The animal fun didn’t stop there, though, with James getting up close and personal with a bearcat.

Basically, how do we get one?
Basically, how do we get one?

He was clearly bemused to learn that the bearcat had enough venom in it to “take down an elephant”, particularly as it was sitting on his shoulder at the time.

James joked: “Jack I love it when you come on but can we please stop talking about how the animals can kill us?”

Fortunately, he quickly cheered up when a penguin came along to join in the fun, gushing: “Oh my God. That is the best. I love penguins so much! I didn’t know. Can I touch him?”

And trust us, if Tom Hiddleston and a baby leopard appeals to you, then you’re definitely going to want to have a look at Tom Hardy’s trip to Battersea Dogs Home.

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