This Man Brought His Own Homemade Gallows To Tommy Robinson's Brexit March

'Beware Remoaners, our strength and courage comes from The Terminator.'

A so-called Brexit betrayal march led by controversial activist Tommy Robinson was “vastly” outnumbered by counter-demonstrators, opposition organisers said.

The English Defence League (EDL) founder and Ukip members marched with supporters through the streets of London on Sunday before a rally beside Parliament Square.

One man, who gave his name as Laukan Creasey, even brought along his own home-made gallows.

When asked by a photographer, Sam Blewett, what it was for, he said: “That’s what the traitor May deserves. That’s what treasonous people get.

PA Wire/PA Images

“It was a referendum not a never-endum. And they promised to implement whatever we decided and they haven’t, so two-and-a-half years down the line this is what you get.”

Elsewhere, the FT’s Sebastian Payne quoted Ukip spokesman Paul Oakley using an interesting film analogy.

He said: ”Beware Remoaners, our strength and courage comes from The Terminator. We can’t be bargained or reasoned with.

“We will absolutely never stop ever until we get hard Brexit.”

Paul Oakley, Ukip’s migration spokesman, is whipping the crowd up against a second referendum.

“Beware Remoaners, our strength and courage comes from The Terminator. We can’t be bargained or reasoned with. We will absolutely never stop ever until we get hard Brexit.”

— Sebastian Payne (@SebastianEPayne) December 9, 2018

And one participant was holding a sign saying “Jo Cox False Flag”, suggesting the murder of the Labour MP in 2016 was part of an unspecified conspiracy.

Someone is wearing a 'Jo Cox false flag' sign at the ukip / Tommy Robinson March

— Ruairi Casey (@Ruairi_Casey) December 9, 2018

Amid fears of violence, Scotland Yard placed restrictions on the march as well as on a counter-demonstration organised by Labour supporters and anti-fascists.

Among those marching against the Brexit betrayal group were Labour grassroots group Momentum and Unite Against Fascism.

A Momentum spokeswoman said about 15,000 turned up to oppose Robinson’s march, claiming it “vastly” outnumbered them nearly five to one.

And in a video posted to twitter, Journalist Owen Jones branded it a “total and utter humiliation” for Robinson.

A day of total and utter humiliation for Tommy Robinson and British fascism #StopTommyRobinson

— Owen Jones🌹 (@OwenJones84) December 9, 2018

A Ukip spokesman said “quite a few thousand” had turned up to its rally. Police did not provide estimates on crowd sizes.

Momentum national co-ordinator Laura Parker said: “Today is a huge blow for Tommy Robinson and his vile, hate-fuelled politics.

“Even with the Ukip machine in tow he only managed to bring a few thousand supporters out on the streets while we mobilised nearly 15,000 to march against his racism and bigotry.”

Robinson’s supporters gathered to call for Brexit, with one brandishing a noose he said was for Prime Minister Theresa May.

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell had urged Labour supporters to march against the “poison” of Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

“This march isn’t about Brexit, it’s about far-right extremists dressing up in suits and pretending to be respectable,” McDonnell said.

Along the route, the counter-protest included songs and dancing, arriving at their final stop on Whitehall to the sound of Michael Jackson’s hit Black Or White.

Tommy Robinson addresses the rally after taking part in a "Brexit Betrayal" march organised by Ukip in central London.
Tommy Robinson addresses the rally after taking part in a "Brexit Betrayal" march organised by Ukip in central London.
PA Wire/PA Images

As the demonstrators made their way from Portland Place, they held placards saying: “Oppose Tommy Robinson. Don’t let the racists divide us” and chanted “There are many many more of us than you”.

Marchers with their faces covered briefly made their way to the front of the march, and at a few points a handful of Robinson supporters were escorted away swiftly by police.

The protesters chanted the whole way, shouting “Nazi scum, off our streets”.

Gathering outside the Dorchester Hotel, Robinson’s supporters marched along a specified route from Park Lane to Parliament Street.

The Ukip group marched to outside the Houses of Parliament where they were to be greeted by festive music and speakers.

Their opposition march, who had started outside the BBC building in Portland Place, were separated from the Brexiters by police barriers in Whitehall.

Amazing turn out at #StopTommyRobinson demo! While I’m proud of our movement I’m also asking myself, how did we get to the point we have to come out in these numbers to oppose racism and fascism? So important that we tackle the root causes of the resurgence of the Far Right.

— Faiza Shaheen (@faizashaheen) December 9, 2018

Police were on heightened alert after “serious violence” broke out at a Robinson rally in London in June, with five officers injured when bottles and barriers were hurled at them.

Scotland Yard said it also imposed the conditions based on the “current intelligence picture”.

Weyman Bennett, joint convener of Stand Up To Racism and one of the march organisers, said: “I believe that the majority of people in this country reject fascism and racism.

“There’s deep concern in Britain about the growth of the far right in this country, under the guise of Tommy Robinson and Ukip.”

He added: “We are excited about the amount of women organisers, Muslim groups and trade unions that have come out.

“We’ve had unprecedented unity. All of us have come together from whatever party or faction we represent and have agreed that we have to march together to defend our democratic rights.”


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