I like to think I’m a tolerant person when it comes to food. I’ll give anything a try once, and I’m not a fussy eater by any means.
That said, some food trends ― like brioche buns on every single restaurant’s burger, and nectar-sweet hot honey on pizza ― don’t quite do it for me. In fact, some could call my opinions on them a little too strong.
So you’d best believe I had thoughts on the responses to a Reddit thread shared to the forum r/AskUK by u/99ioio.
They asked: “What is the best chocolate bar in the UK?”, clarifying that price shouldn’t come into it ― we’re going by taste and texture alone.
Here are some of the most-upvoted replies, alongside our personal rankings:
1) “Kinder Bueno.”
Credit: u/Tall_building
u/Jumbo_Mills added: “I was going to say something else but this is probably it universally. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t fancy it.”
Our verdict: a deserved first place. The people have placated us (for now).
2) “Tony’s ― the normal milk one is class.”
“How it’s segmented p*sses me off a bit though.” Credit: u/Visual-Economist5479
u/prx_23 weighed in: “Tony’s just tastes exactly like a Yorkie from the ’90s but it’s about 15 times the price.”
Our verdict: good chocolate has actually had a good reason to go up in price recently, and anyway, the original poster said cost shouldn’t count in our score. That said, sorry: maybe it’s the lack of childhood memories with the brand or the fact that it’s textually uniform, but for us, Tony’s is probably the best supermarket chocolate, but far from the best chocolate bar. We’d go fourth or fifth place.
3) “Galaxy Ripple.”
Credit: u/Dan_Kno
Our verdict: We actually feel the opposite to u/XTremeal; if we’re eating some flaky and brittle chocolate, we want it to shatter and then melt, rather than gently buckle under our teeth. Still, the bar feels decadent, tastes good, and has a nice texture. We’d maybe put it a place down.
4) “Wispa Gold.”
Credit: u/Uncoolusername007
Our verdict: We fear nostalgia may have had a heavier hand on this placement than actual merit, but we can still support a top 10 spot.
5) “Crunchie!”
Credit: u/hollowmind555
Our verdict: This is a good spot for the bar! It may be the outright fave of few, but it’s liked by most ― my sister is one of its admittedly rare super-fans, and I reckon her passion is strong enough to cancel out at least six haters.
6) “Galaxy for me.”
Credit: u/Brucesimb123
u/TngerineFew6830 inspired a chain of Galaxy-and-crisp snack combo appreciation by writing: “Galaxy caramel with salt and vinegar crisps.”
Our verdict: It’s important to set our personal preferences aside. Personally, I happen to find that very smooth texture Galaxy lovers adore a little too waxy, but the fact that that opinion gets shot down every time I air it ― as well as the speed with which Galaxy chocolates disappear from my Celebrations boxes ― proves I’m in the minority. If we’re talking sheer popularity, I reckon this should actually be higher.
7) “Star Bar.”
Credit: u/Guilty_Hour4451
“Very underrated,” replied u/Superimplicate.
Our verdict: It IS underrated! The Star Bar has everything ― taste, texture, and dare we say it ― girth. I reckon I’d put this in second place. Elite bar.
8) “Double Decker.”
Credit: u/softmints
“Whenever I go back to the UK, it’s the first thing I buy,” said u/garethwi.
Our verdict: Another bang-on placement. Good job, Redditors.
9) “Lindt Lindor, milk one the one in red wrapper.”
“Love everything Lindt, they’re a lot creamier than other chocolates.” Credit: u/malin7
u/CouldGo4aRunInstead wrote: “The coconut ones are amazing but I can only find them to buy on Amazon.”
Our verdict: More of a special occasion chocolate than a regular-degular bar, so we slightly feel this isn’t in the regular running. But yes, we hear you.
10) “Tesco cooking chocolate for the experience.”
“Just imagine: it’s late at night, you really, really crave chocolate but of course, there’s nothing in the house. But then you remember the baking cupboard exists.
You reach into the cupboard, pull out this huge bar of chocolate and chomp down on something that feels so wrong but so right. It’s the knight in shining armour in times of desperation. It’s not perfect, but it does the job when it’s most needed and the feeling is amazing.” Credit: u/BringBack5pFreddos
For what it’s worth, my list would be:
- Kinder Bueno
- Star Bar
- Mars Delight (RIP)
- Kit-Kat Chunky or four-finger
- Bounty, either regular or dark (not sorry)
- Twirl
- Snickers
- Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit
- Milka Daim
- Mint Aero.
And for fellow Irish readers, yep ― if we could get the Dairy Milk Tiffin here, that’d be very high on the list too.
Do you agree with these or have thoughts on the above? Let us know!