Tory Defences Of Dominic Cummings, Ranked From Bad To Really Bad

MPs who defended the adviser include Michael Gove, who tried to justify driving a car as a means of checking if you can see properly.

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At the heart of the ongoing furore over Dominic Cummings is a very simple question: did he break lockdown rules when he drove 260 miles to Durham with his wife and child so he could be closer to his family?

Judging by the fact the row is now in its fourth day and a junior Tory minister has resigned from the government over it, it appears a sizeable majority of people think, yes, he did.

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59% think Dominic Cummings should resign (up from 52% at the weekend)

— Sam Coates Sky (@SamCoatesSky) May 26, 2020

Despite this, ministers are lining up to defend Cummings, an unelected bureaucrat with massive influence on government policy most famous for leading the Vote Leave campaign to rid the UK of unelected bureaucrats with massive influence on government policy.

Something hilariously Stalinist about cabinet ministers all tweeting the same message at the same time and thinking it achieves anything other than make them look like ludicrous robots

— Nick Boles (@NickBoles) May 25, 2020

On Tuesday, William Wragg, Tory chair of the Commons Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, said it was “humiliating” to see ministers defending Cummings.

“We cannot throw away valuable public and political goodwill any longer,” he said.

So in the spirit of keeping an accurate historical record of humiliating government comments, here is a choice selection of Tory defences of Cummings ranked from bad to bloody awful.

10) Michael Gove

First up is Michael Gove’s first intervention on Saturday, in which he simply stated: “Caring for your wife and child is not a crime.”

In all fairness, there is nothing to fault when taken at face value – it is indeed not a crime to look after your wife and child.

Caring for your wife and child is not a crime

— Michael Gove (@michaelgove) May 23, 2020

But it makes our list for the simple fact that most members of the public didn’t deny themselves a chance to see their families because it was a crime, they did it because the government itself said we shouldn’t.

One very simple sentence in the lockdown guidance states people “should not be visiting family members who do not live in your home”.

My parents, in their late 70’s, have been tested in the last week, as have I. All were negative and they live less than an hour away. I haven’t seen them since February and am still fighting all my instincts that say to jump in the car but beginning to wonder why!

— Nat Reed (@nats_reed) May 22, 2020

9) Rishi Sunak

The chancellor took a similar tack to Gove on Saturday, but for good measure accused anyone criticising Cummings as “trying to score political points”.

Taking care of your wife and young child is justifiable and reasonable, trying to score political points over it isn’t.

— Rishi Sunak (@RishiSunak) May 23, 2020

Unfortunately for Sunak, this argument almost immediately fell apart in hours as a number of his own backbenchers have called for Cummings to go.

As much as I despise any baying pitchfork-led trials by social media, I'm unconvinced by the PM's defence of #Cummings.
We've all been tasked with tempering our parental, and other, instincts by strictly adhering to Govt guidance.

— David Warburton MP (@DJWarburton) May 24, 2020

8) Matt Hancock

The health secretary has a bit more capital to spend when it comes to coronavirus as he fell ill with the disease himself earlier in the year, a fact he was quick to flaunt in his effort on Saturday.

I know how ill coronavirus makes you. It was entirely right for Dom Cummings to find childcare for his toddler, when both he and his wife were getting ill.

— Matt Hancock (@MattHancock) May 23, 2020

Unfortunately, Hancock loses points for not acknowledging that “to find childcare” meant a car journey across England in a vehicle literally filled with virus.

And there were some big names who thought otherwise. The former head of the Police Federation in England and Wales said it was “most unwise” for the No.10 adviser to have travelled when “known to be infected”.

My Dad died at Easter. I couldn’t go to see him to say goodbye, couldn’t go to comfort my Mum and there were four of us, socially distancing, at his funeral so couldn’t even hold my Mum’s hand. Why is DC so fu**ing special?!

— Rachel Kerry (@thebrashgirls) May 22, 2020

7) Downing Street

The official line from Downing Street on Saturday was straightforward enough: “His actions were in line with coronavirus guidelines. Mr Cummings believes he behaved reasonably and legally.”

But again, this suffers from the same flaws as Gove’s earlier attempt – why did no one else interpret the guidelines in the same way?

I’m 5 miles from my shielding parents...we’ve only seen them at a distance to drop off children haven’t seen them at all apart from digitally...the ‘he was with his parents’ stuff is making my blood boil.

— Katie Hall (@katiehall1979) May 22, 2020

Also, if you commit a crime and in court you tell the judge: “Your honour, I do not believe I committed a crime,” it will not have much of an impact.

6) Grant Shapps

If there’s an under appreciated victim of this whole saga, it is Grant Shapps.

Shapps was almost certainly looking forward to standing up at Saturday’s Downing Street briefing and informing the nation that his department had a slew of exciting new projects to make our lives that little bit brighter.

Ironically, given he is transport secretary, he was in fact being thrown under a bus.

No one gave two hoots about the expansion of the A66 and a visibly upset Shapps was instead forced to defend Cummings. Over and over again.

HAHAHAHA Grant Shapps really just said “You’re all asking the same questions, nobody’s asking about the upgrades to the A66.” Absolutely brilliant. #DailyBriefing

— Ben (@islandniles) May 23, 2020

Shapps has defended Cummings by saying he went there because “that’s where the family was”.

The transport secretary also said restrictions put in place by the government on March 23 should only be followed “to the best of your ability” and that it was “up to the individual” to make decisions on how best to follow them.

So, anyone fancy a pint then?

5) Suella Braverman

At this stage in the list we cross from “insulting the public’s intelligence” to just outrightly “insulting the public”.

Attorney general Suella Braverman on Saturday tweeted: “Protecting one’s family is what any good parent does”.

Protecting one’s family is what any good parent does. The @10DowningStreet statement clarifies the situation and it is wholly inappropriate to politicise it.

— Suella Braverman MP (@SuellaBraverman) May 23, 2020

Which, when you think about it, isn’t really on given that it’s essentially saying that anyone who didn’t visit their family during lockdown must be a bad parent.

Suella, *any good parent* protects their family by keeping them safe at home

*Not* by driving them 270 miles, while sick with #Covid_19

These are your rules ⬇️

— The Concerned Lawyer (@LawyerConcerned) May 23, 2020

A number of people on social media also wondered if the same reasoning also applies to migrants risking their lives by crossing the channel to come to the UK.

Attorney General confirms that all those people on boats trying to reach British shores are no longer doing so illegally, as they are 'protecting one's family'

— Chris Lowndes (@chrislowndes) May 23, 2020

4) Boris Johnson

As if the implication of the attorney general’s tweet wasn’t bad enough, on Sunday the PM himself stood in front of the nation and basically said the same thing.

Speaking at the daily Downing Street coronavirus briefing, Boris Johnson said Cummings had “acted responsibly, legally and with integrity” and that “any parent would frankly understand what he did”.

Which, predictably, didn’t go down too well with parents across the country.

Watching Johnson. This is despicable. Parents all over this country have abided by the lockdown rules, even while ill themselves. Hundreds of thousands managed toddlers while shut up inside cramped accommodation, purely for the common good AS THE GOVERNMENT TOLD THEM TO DO.

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) May 24, 2020

He’s effectively said that every parent who followed the rules, is a bad parent. If he thinks this is the end of it, he’s wrong.

— Deb Harvey (@DebLuckyHarvey) May 24, 2020

3) Downing Street (again)

In the midst of the row and before Johnson had taken the stage on Sunday, Downing Street was refusing to even answer questions on the matter.

Instead, it blamed the media, saying: “We will not waste our time answering a stream of false allegations about Mr Cummings from campaigning newspapers.”

The very next day a copy of the Daily Mail landed inside the door of No.10 with the headline: “What planet are they on?”.

DAILY MAIL: What planet are they on? #TomorrowsPapersToday

— Neil Henderson (@hendopolis) May 24, 2020

2) Dominic Cummings

On Monday evening an unprecedented scene unfolded as Cummings himself gave a speech and answered questions in the rose garden of 10 Downing Street.

There, in front of the entire nation, he said he drove his car 30 miles to a local beauty spot with his wife and child to see if his eyes worked properly, because apparently we now live in a world where the head of the Police Federation has to tweet things like this:

Folks, I say this in all sincerity and as an important road safety issue. If you’re feeling unwell and your eyesight may be impaired do not drive your vehicle to test your ability to drive. It’s not a wise move.

— John Apter (@PFEW_Chair) May 25, 2020

1) Michael Gove (again)

You’d be forgiven for thinking number two on our list was the most ridiculous moment of this whole saga, but then you mustn’t have seen Michael Gove on Tuesday morning attempting to justify driving a car while possibly blind.

Gove, appearing on radio station LBC, begins by saying: “I have on occasions in the past driven with my wife in order to make sure that errrr... what’s the right way of putting it?”

Host Nick Ferrari interjects: “I’m staggered, I don’t know how you’re going to get out of this one but it’s going to be fun.”

Possibly the most Michael Gove response to a question I've seen yet.

Michael Gove tries to claim he too would take a 60 mile round trip with his wife to test his eyesight, yet can't actually bring himself to try to finish the lie. Astounding.

— Ben Watters (@Dynamite_Shovel) May 26, 2020

At this point Gove basically gives up and informs us that he “is not an authority on driving” which is a bloody good job bearing in mind what he nearly said.

And a special mention...

Shout out to Oliver Dowden and his ability to spot the “end of a story” (tweet posted on Saturday).

Dom Cummings followed the guidelines and looked after his family. End of story.

— Oliver Dowden (@OliverDowden) May 23, 2020

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