General Election Latest Polls: Tory Lead Over Labour Closed To Just Five Points

YouGov had May with a 23-point lead over Corbyn last month.

Theresa May’s lead over Jeremy Corbyn has been slashed to just five points, meaning the Conservative Party’s lead has crashed since the start of the election campaign.

An extraordinary YouGov poll for The Times puts Labour on 38 per cent of the vote, up three points since the end of last week. Meanwhile, the Conservatives were down one point to 43 per cent.

The Conservatives boasted a 23 point lead with the same pollsters a month ago.

Westminster voting intention:

CON: 43% (-1)
LAB: 38% (+3)
LDEM: 10% (+1)
UKIP: 4% (+1)

(via @YouGov / 24 - 25 May)

— Britain Elects (@britainelects) May 25, 2017

May now has the smallest lead over Labour since she came to power, while Labour is at a level it has not enjoyed since Corbyn became leader in September 2015.

The Liberal Democrats up one point to 10 per cent and Ukip up one to 4 per cent.

The Times reports that on a even swing across the country May would lose seats and the Conservatives would have an overall majority of two, down from 17.

Exclusive: Tory lead over Labour down to FIVE points in new YouGov/Times poll conducted Wed/ Thu this week, down from 9 points last Thur/Fri

— Sam Coates Times (@SamCoatesTimes) May 25, 2017

The poll follows a pattern emerging before the Manchester bombing, where the Tory lead of as much as 20-points plus was being eaten away after she confirmed a dramatic U-turn on social care policy.

Her ‘Strong and Stable’ campaign slogan was labelled ‘Weak and Wobbly’ as six polls out over two days showed Labour closing in on the Conservatives.

On Friday, the Labour Party return to election campaigning, with Corbyn giving a speech on how US foreign policy has fueled terrorism.

Despite the narrowing of the polls, the Tories may see this as advantageous to landing their message about the risks of Corbyn as PM to mobilise their base vote.

Political journalists were salivating at the prospect of ‘game on’ ...

NOW it gets interesting ...

— Kate McCann (@KateEMcCann) May 25, 2017

If tonight's YouGov poll is repeated on polling day the Tories would have a working majority of just two seats.

— Adam Bienkov (@AdamBienkov) May 25, 2017

Conservatives' 23 point poll lead has narrowed to just FIVE in a month, @YouGov finds #GE2017

— Asa Bennett (@asabenn) May 25, 2017

....just in time for Corbyn's birthday tomorrow:

— Faisal Islam (@faisalislam) May 25, 2017

Even famous US political analysts were tempted to comment.

Not all polls show it this close, but the Conservative lead has gone from about 16 points to about 8 points in the span of a couple weeks.

— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) May 25, 2017

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