Transgender Teens Share Incredible Images Of #MomentsInTransition

Inspiration from across the world.

Young trans people are bravely sharing images documenting breakthrough moments in their transitions.

The hashtag #MomentsInTransition is home to inspirational stories from across the world.

Canadian Gabrielle Diana started the trend, and told HuffPost UK: "I'm really taken by surprise at how many people have come on board and been part of the movement."

I was scrolling through my old photos, just reminiscing on old times. I never really like to go back to these times in my life, but something about seeing the image on the left have so much happiness for where I am now. I remember this time in my life so vividly for a time I always tried to forget. I was a rebel, smoked cigarettes, didn't do homework, wore absolutely horrible makeup, and didn't have a care in the world. I was also highly depressed, felt trapped, unhappy, and fucking low. I was obsessed with @jeffreestar and @gigigorgeous, I wanted so badly to find ME. It took a while, for sure. I used to wear my moms dresses and makeup, and it wasn't easy in the beginning since I wasn't transitioning, I was just a gay boy experminenting with my image, but now I'm a transitioning woman, almost getting to the next step of a major surgery that I never imagined would be in the cards. I thought about my life, thought about the fact that this dream I had is finally becoming something REAL and I wouldn't have it any other way. I look back on my past and I'm not ashamed of it, I'm not embarrassed. I don't really ever say my name that I used before I started living happily because I never connected with that name but I connect with how Gabrielle always existed, subconsciously. From my days in elementary school to my days in high school, I'm so fucking happy, I've never been more happy and I can't believe this is fucking real. Half of the people who follow me don't know even one part of the struggles and hell I endured on the road to happiness but my struggles made me a confident young woman, and I'm truly fucking blown away because if you asked me 3 years ago, I would have genuinely thought I would be dead if I couldn't explore this world of gender identity that led me to transitioning. I love you all, I love you all, you helped me be free, thank you so much. #transisbeautiful #transisreal #girlslikeus #momentsintransition

A photo posted by Gabrielle Diana (@gabrielledianaa) on

Many people allowed their images to speak for themselves, highlighting the changes they've experienced during their transitions.

#momentsintransition the pictures speak for themselves

— ev??? (@cryptboys) March 30, 2016

#momentsintransition when you first cut your hair 💚💚

— alex jacob (@crucifalex) March 29, 2016

#momentsintransition when you finally wear what you want, and not what you're forced to wear

— gavin (@gavinjrobertson) March 29, 2016

#momentsintransition because the "before" pictures have to happen in order to become. #transisbeautiful

— Elijah (@elijahntapp) March 31, 2016

I wore an old tank top today and felt euphoric. #transisbeautiful #girlslikeus #momentsintransition

A photo posted by Rosie Montoya 🌹 (@rosalynnemontoya) on

1st haircut ➡️1st binder ⬇️ 3 weeks on T ➡️ 5 months on T#momentsintransition

A photo posted by Jaimie Clow (@ftmwiseguy) on

Trans food writer Jack Monroe also joined the hashtag, proudly posting the moments that made them feel amazing.

#momentsintransition - Me, 2008. Head shaved, chest bound, braces and ties and big grins... (btw, not a phase!!)

— jack monroe (@MxJackMonroe) March 30, 2016

#momentsintransition 2015 - refusing to feminise for newspaper shoots any more. Binder, fave shirt, cleaver, grr.

— jack monroe (@MxJackMonroe) March 30, 2016

#momentsintransition 2015 - when my back finally outstripped my wide Med hips and my body started to balance out...

— jack monroe (@MxJackMonroe) March 30, 2016

#momentsintransition 2016 - the night my folks wrote 'Jack' on my birthday card after 5 years. Yea I'm blubbing.

— jack monroe (@MxJackMonroe) March 30, 2016

The hashtag coincided with International Transgender Day of Visibility on Thursday.

The day is dedicated to celebrating transgender people, and raising awareness of the discrimination faced by trans people across the world.


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