As D.C. Clashes Erupt, Trump Sics Police On 'Antifa Scum' In Stunningly Vicious Tweet

The president stoked violence as skirmishes broke out in Washington between Trump backers and counterprotesters, leaving one man critically injured.

President Donald Trump urged Washington, D.C., police not to “hold back” in cracking down on “antifa scum” in a shockingly violent tweet late Saturday.

Trump was reacting to street confrontations that erupted Saturday night between leftover members of a march earlier in the day protesting his loss in the presidential election, and counterprotesters.

At least 20 people were arrested throughout the day, including four on gun charges, The Washington Post reported.

Two police officers were injured, and a man in his 20s was in critical condition after he was stabbed in the back.

The Proud Boys, a violent extremist group, clashed at various times with counterprotesters, witnesses reported.

In one videotaped scene, a large number of men in what appeared to be typical clothing worn by the Proud Boys battled with counterprotesters and chanted: “F**k antifa.”

Is THIS what trump meant when he hold his terrorist Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by?"



— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) November 15, 2020

Though Trump spent the middle of the day golfing at his club in Sterling, Virginia, he claimed Saturday night to know exactly what happened in Washington.

He tweeted that “antifa scum ran for the hills” earlier in the day because people at the “Trump Rally ... aggressively fought back.” But they returned to “attack innocent MAGA people.” He urged: “DC police, get going — do your job and don’t hold back!!!”

ANTIFA SCUM ran for the hills today when they tried attacking the people at the Trump Rally, because those people aggressively fought back. Antifa waited until tonight, when 99% were gone, to attack innocent #MAGA People. DC Police, get going — do your job and don’t hold back!!!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 15, 2020

Critics on Twitter slammed Trump for seizing the opportunity yet again to inflame violence.

Trump, stop this right now. For the love of God, do not descend our country into violence and Civil War.

— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) November 15, 2020

Worst President in American history.

— Paul 👻 (@pablo_honey1) November 15, 2020

Please do not not incite violence.

Act like a president that you wish you could be.

— David Leavitt (@David_Leavitt) November 15, 2020

Oh what a surprise that Trump is once again trying to fuel CHAOS and mayhem! Rather than act like a LEADER and attempt to reduce tension he does the exact opposite & makes things worse. The sooner he is OUT of the White House, the better! Bring on January 20!

— MURRAY🧢🇺🇸 (@murray_nyc) November 15, 2020

Donald Trump is using his platform to incite violence. He needs to be suspended as a matter of public safety.

— Frederick Joseph (@FredTJoseph) November 15, 2020

Shame on you for igniting violence on your way out of office. #SoreLoser

— Republicans for Joe Biden 🇺🇸 (@RepsForBiden) November 15, 2020

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