Desperate Trump's Presidency Ends By Whining About 'Explosions Of Bullsh*t'

Unvarnished and unhinged.

Donald Trump is ending his presidency with all the grace of a drunken sailor on shore leave.

On Wednesday, the departing US president made a last-ditch attempt to subvert democracy and re-install himself in the White House – despite losing November’s election by seven million votes.

Trump gave a speech to thousands of his acolytes – including QAnon conspiracy theorists, white supremacists and violent extremist groups including the Proud Boys – in Washington DC on the same day elected officials were set to certify the Electoral College votes from the presidential election and declare president-elect Joe Biden the winner.

His deluded hope is for his vice president, Mike Pence, to instead choose Trump as the electoral winner – even though the involvement of his second-in-command is mostly ceremonial.

Trump, in true dictatorial style, attempted to make the most of his last few days in the big chair by reiterating conspiracy theories and whining about his loss before an adoring crowd.

“Does anybody believe that Joe had 80m votes?” Trump told supporters. “Does anyone believe it? He had 80m computer votes. It’s a disgrace – there’s never been anything like that.”

In fact, Biden got more than 81m votes and Trump received just over 74m. No evidence has been presented to back any of Trump’s claims of fraud.

There were also some vintage Trump moments that would be funny if they didn’t come with more than a whiff of fascism.

‘Explosions of bullshit’

He delighted the crowd – who cheered as he repeated the groundless conspiracy theories that have consumed his final days in office – by calling Democratic victories the product of what he called “explosions of bullshit”.

Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!” the crowd chanted in reply.

Trump describes the counting of votes as "explosions of bullshit." His fans respond by chanting, "bull-shit!"

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 6, 2021

Explosions of bullshit is a good epitaph for this coup

— Susan Glasser (@sbg1) January 6, 2021

Explosions of Bullshit: A 2020 Story

— Quite Frankly (@PoliticalOrgy) January 6, 2021

‘I had to beat Oprah’

It being Trump, he actually seemed just as concerned about minor grievances and how his stock has fallen with the elites he claims to be fighting against.

Trump is now complaining about Oprah? 🤔

— NowThis (@nowthisnews) January 6, 2021

Oh fun: Trump repeats, twice, one of my very favorite lies of his -- saying that Oprah liked him so much she put him on her beloved show in its last week as one of her "five outstanding people."

He was on the show three and a half months before it ended.

— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) January 6, 2021

This fascist movement is so dangerous and yet so stupid and insipid.

Trump is telling his supporters they're fighting a coup, that they need to overturn an election, and taking a break to complain that Oprah used to have him on her show but doesn't call him anymore.

— Jared Yates Sexton (@JYSexton) January 6, 2021

And Hillary Clinton appears to be living rent-free in his head

“Where’s Hillary, where is she,” Trump says at his rally, saying people don’t see the former secretary of State anymore.

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) January 6, 2021

Gets his candidate’s name wrong

Trump campaigned at rallies for Kelly Loeffler during a crucial Senate run-off in Georgia, which his Republican Party is now set to lose and in turn hand control of the upper chamber to the Democrats. But he perhaps his support was half-hearted.

Trump final indignity to Loeffler is mispronouncing her last name.

— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) January 6, 2021

He has previously called her “Karen”.

The real crowd

Perhaps it wasn’t braying loyalists but Mike Pence who Trump was addressing.

Trump: “Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us. If he doesn’t, that will be a sad day for our country.”

— The Recount (@therecount) January 6, 2021

Trump ramps up pressure on Pence: "If he doesn't that will be a sad day for our country." (that's code for Trump will be pissed)

— Jim Acosta (@Acosta) January 6, 2021

Pres Trump says he just spoke to VP Pence & told him it takes "courage" to *not disrupt* the count & that it doesn't take courage to try to stop it. (This is quite confusing.)

Sources tell me Pence is bracing for Trump to attack him immediately following the congressional count.

— Yamiche Alcindor (@Yamiche) January 6, 2021

For a FOURTH time -- Trump goes after Pence. Says if he doesn't stand up for the good of the country and Constitution he'll be very disappointed.

— Katherine Faulders (@KFaulders) January 6, 2021

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