11 Times Donald Trump's First Year As President Was Basically 'The Office'

For Trump v Obama read Brent v Neil from the Swindon office.

1. ‘He’s thrown a kettle over a pub. What have you ever done?’


Donald Trump’s then communications director Anthony Scaramucci says he’s been witness to his boss’s impressive feats, much like Gareth Keenan’s boast about Chris Finch’s unique skills on quiz night.

2. ‘One of the cleverest blokes I know’


Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest -and you all know it! Please don't feel so stupid or insecure,it's not your fault

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 9, 2013

Trump has ‘one of the highest’ IQs, and so does ‘bloody good rep’ Chris Finch.

3. ‘Pffft’

MANDEL NGAN via Getty Images

Hat-tip @hrtbps

4. ‘Monkey!’


Brent points to the toy monkey that appeared in adverts with comedian Jonny Vegas for the long forgotten ITV Digital channel. Trump points to the bust of Winston Churchill that has returned to the White House Oval Office. Hat-tip @PoliticalBrent.

5. ‘I’ve been promoted, so ... every cloud.’

Just minutes after telling the Slough office some of them will be sacked, David Brent said: “On a more positive note, the good news is, I’ve been promoted, so... every cloud.”


Just hours after sacking Scaramucci, President Trump tweeted:

A great day at the White House!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 31, 2017

6. Tim looks to the camera

Trump had a very long handshake with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe. and Abe’s glance to the camera at the end was pure Tim Canterbury.

7. ‘Here he is, the fella that nicked my job’

"Here he is, the fella who nicked me job."

"Didn't nick it."

"Nah, didn't want it anymore."

(Via @timeforjamie) pic.twitter.com/RcjLxyIYts

— Political Brent (@PoliticalDBrent) January 20, 2017

Trump and Obama met at the inauguration in much the same way as Brent returning to Wernham Hogg with Gareth in charge.

8. ‘Put, “David Brent is refreshingly laid back for a man with such responsibility”.’


"Steve is now unchained," source close to Bannon tells me. "Fully unchained."

— Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) August 18, 2017

A source who definitely wasn’t departing White House adviser Steve Bannon speaks in fluent Brent-ese.

9. ‘Will you apologise to Tim?’


Trump’s daughter Ivanka wanted Trump to apologise. Brent’s boss Jennifer wanted Brent to apologise. Both sort of did.

10. ‘Who thinks Neil’s more of a laugh than me?’


Trump solicited the opinion of of 40,000 Boy Scouts at their annual Jamboree. Trump v Obama is effectively Brent v Neil from the Swindon office.

11. ‘People say I’m the best boss.’

Vanity Fair

Trump convened his first full Cabinet meeting after taking office and asked his new appointees to lavish praise on him, which presumably is precisely what Brent did too.


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