'Fortunate Son' Plays Again At Trump Farewell Ignoring Irony And Backlash

The Creedence Clearwater Revival song decrying rich draft dodgers was a regular on his campaign stop playlist.

Creedence Clearwater Revival’s “Fortunate Son” blared perhaps one last time for Donald Trump on Wednesday ― and Twitter users couldn’t believe it.

The 1969 hit, which blasted privileged draft dodgers during the Vietnam War, had become a regular on the Trump playlist for campaign rallies and appearances.

It again played on the loudspeaker at Joint Base Andrews as the crowd awaited Trump’s arrival aboard Marine One to depart for Florida into civilian life as the election loser.

They’re playing Fortunate Son where Trump is set to give one final speech.

They’re playing Fortunate Son for Trump who received 5 deferments pic.twitter.com/3c77mnCfwU

— Ivonne (@servoisnaked) January 20, 2021

Many again remarked on the irony of Trump co-opting the song ― he has been accused of being a draft dodger himself during the Vietnam War era over disputed claims of bone spurs in his feet.

A cease-and-desist order from CCR frontman John Fogerty didn’t stop Trump and Co. from playing the song. Neither did a TikTok response from Fogerty and his granddaughter.

Perhaps the end of his presidency will.

Twitter users chimed in:

Do they really play 'Fortunate son' again for #CadetBoneSpurs?

Be gone mthrfckr pic.twitter.com/DNm5z4ci81

— Martin, moldy german racoon🦝😷🤓🇺🇲🇩🇪🤝 (@MartinHBerlin) January 20, 2021

Most fitting thing I have seen in years, flying in Marine One to a military send off while “Fortunate Son” is blaring. You can’t make this up!

— Jamey Dalzell (@DalzellFootball) January 20, 2021

They're playing "Fortunate Son" as Trump leaves DC. A song critical of privileged white kids who dodged the Vietnam draft. Does he really not understand the irony?

— Aleister Washington 😎 (@aleister2244) January 20, 2021

They are playing fortunate son at the Trump event again. He leaves as he arrived - without shame or self awareness

— David Hill (@davehill77) January 20, 2021

Good riddance fortunate son.

— John Fogarty (@JohnFogartyIrl) January 20, 2021

"Alexa play Fortunate Son" pic.twitter.com/dkN8ufFsTa

— keith artois (@keithartois) January 20, 2021

Irony is dead: As the crowd waits for Trump to land at Andrews, they're playing "Fortunate Son" by Creedence.

— John Robinson (@johnrobinson) January 20, 2021

The fucking irony of Trump, TRUMP, playing "Fortunate Son" at his rallies.

He literally dodged the draft.


— 🏳️⚧️ Brie Henshin ブリー変身🏳️⚧️ (@BrieHenshin) January 20, 2021

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