Donald Trump Mocked For Holding Press Conference Flanked By Four Bald White Men

"Why is bald Harry Potter standing behind Trump rn?"

The US political divide was illustrated in stark terms on Thursday as the most diverse class of politicians in history took their place in the house of representatives – but only, it seems, on the Democrat side.

The opening of the 116th congress saw more women politicians than ever before, and a new generation of Muslim, Latino, Native American and African-American lawmakers.

However, on the Republican side the house was still made up mostly of white men – and as if to underscore the point, President Donald Trump held a press conference flanked by four distinctly bald specimens.

Not sure what this event is but I genuinely hope it's about diversity.

— Slade (@Slade) January 3, 2019

The briefing appeared to be an attempt to steal some of the Democrat’s limelight – Trump strode into the room, repeated claims about his vaunted US-Mexico border wall and then left without taking questions from reporters.

The striking optics of the event were seized upon by people on social media. One person pointed out that the number of bald white men present totalled more than the number of women in his entire cabinet – which is just three currently.

“Alright, guys, we need to come up with a good image to contrast with Pelosi being sworn in, marking 100 years with women having the right to vote, and Democrats forging the way to the highest number of women in Congress in history.”

Stephen Miller: “I have an idea.”

— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) January 3, 2019

There are more completely bald men on stage with Trump than women in his cabinet.

— Stephanie Carvin (@StephanieCarvin) January 3, 2019

Of course it could have just been a Trump insecurity issue...

Trump flanked by bald guys today reminds us about how great and beautiful his hair is.

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) January 3, 2019

And what the hell was Daniel Radcliffe doing there?

why is bald harry potter standing behind Trump rn

— Natalie Martinez (@natijomartinez) January 3, 2019

It turned out the men were security experts from the National Border Patrol Council and were there to tout the US-Mexico border wall Trump is currently having so much difficulty getting funding for.

Reich Said Fred

— Sarah Dempster (@Dempster2000) January 3, 2019

The US is currently in its 13th day of a partial government shutdown as Republicans and Democrats fight over funding.

Trump has refused to reopen the government until he secures $5 billion (£3.9bn) to start building the wall, but Democrats are refusing to give it to him, instead offering $1.3bn (£1.03bn) for increased security at the border.

Trump is one shave away from Cone Heads.

— Joey Klecka (@Kleckinator) January 3, 2019

On Thursday Pelosi said Trump and Senate Republicans should “take yes for an answer” and approve the propose border bill, adding: “We’re not doing a wall. Does anyone have any doubt that we’re not doing a wall?”


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