Trump Phones In To Hearing In Bizarre Act Of Desperation

The outgoing US president's lawyer holds mobile up to microphone.

Donald Trump has made more baseless allegations about election voter – but in the most bizarre manner yet.

The outgoing president falsely claimed – yet again – that he “won by a lot” as he spoke to Republicans holding a partisan “hearing” in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania into election “issues” and alleged “irregularities”.

There is no evidence to corroborate any of his claims of election fraud.

But instead of taking to Twitter to air his grievance, which is now his default setting, or actually doing it in person, Trump phoned in. And his lawyer held up her phone to the microphone.

Legal adviser Jenna Ellis is now holding up her phone to the mic so President Trump can address the hotel room of Republican Pennsylvania lawmakers on speakerphone.

— Kaitlan Collins (@kaitlancollins) November 25, 2020

Trump ranting by speaker phone at the Penn. hearing. Calls the election a “fraud.” Says, “We won easily. We won it by a lot.” Dems cheated: “They’re horrible people.”

“Just like they got caught spying on my campaign....we have to turn the election over.”

Trump keeps digging.

— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) November 25, 2020

A portrait of Trump now: sitting in the Oval Office, frothing conspiracy theories and repeatedly asking, “Why wouldn’t they overturn the election?” into a phone held up to a microphone for a show event he didn’t go to because of coronavirus concerns he isn’t addressing.

— Edward-Isaac Dovere (@IsaacDovere) November 25, 2020

To give you some idea of how unpresidential it all seemed, the actual president-elect was giving a speech that boasted more of the ceremony you would usually associate with the office.

Joe Biden was giving a Thanksgiving message focussed on the coronavirus as the disease continues to ravage the US.

“We need to remember we are at war with the virus, not one another,” he said, a stark contrast to the sour grapes on display from Trump.

This Thanksgiving eve, Trump and Biden had very different messages for America.

— The Recount (@therecount) November 25, 2020

The hearing, attended by Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, came a day after the state certified its election results – formalising Biden’s win over Trump in the region.

Despite Trump’s protests and faltering legal campaign, the handover to the Biden presidency has begun.

On Monday, the US federal agency the General Services Administration ascertained that Biden is the “apparent winner” of the US election, which started the transition from Trump’s administration.


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