Trump Was, Er, Playing Golf When He Lost The Election

Bunkerin' down.

Shortly before Donald Trump went golfing on Saturday he claimed in a tweet he had won the US presidential election “BY A LOT”.


— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2020

Shortly after teeing off, Donald Trump learned he had in fact lost the election. By quite a lot.

Here he is just moments after the world’s media declared Joe Biden the winner.


It’s not possible to tell exactly what he was saying but you can bet it was ALL IN CAPS LOCK.

He was seen leaving to play his favourite sport on Saturday afternoon “wearing white Maga cap, windbreaker, dark slacks, non-dress shirt, shoes that look appropriate for golfing”, the White House pool reporter wrote.

After five long days, Biden finally topped the 270 electoral college votes needed for victory over Trump in the US presidential race.

Of course the drama is far from over – Trump has refused to concede, promising unspecified legal challenges seeking to overturn the outcome of the race for the White House.

He said in a statement that “our campaign will start prosecuting our case in court to ensure election laws are fully upheld and the rightful winner is seated”.

There is absolutely no evidence that any electoral law has been broken despite his repeated claims, Federal Election Commission commissioner Ellen Weintraub confirmed on Saturday.

Biden was called as the winner of Pennsylvania on Saturday, meaning he has an insurmountable lead in the race for the White House.

Winning the vote in Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona – three states that voted for Trump in 2016 – opened up several pathways to the presidency for the Democratic candidate.

It was victory in Pennsylvania, some four days after polls closed, that saw him over the line.


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