Trump Reportedly Wants To Start His Own Party After Leaving Office

He's apparently gone as far as selecting a name for the potential new party.

President Donald Trump is reportedly considering the launch of his own political party after leaving office on Wednesday, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The newspaper said it’s not clear how serious he is about competing with the Republicans under his own banner, but that he’s already picked out a name: The Patriot Party.

The potential for a new party comes as Trump grows unhappy with Republican leaders, who he feels abandoned him after his supporters attacked the US Capitol on January 6 when Congress met to certify the 2020 election results.

Even Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, a longtime supporter of the president, condemned Trump over the attack.

They were provoked by the president and other powerful people and they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like,” McConnell said on Tuesday.

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy, one of Trump’s top supporters in Congress, joined the ailed attempt to block the election results. However, Trump is reportedly angry with McCarthy for saying “the president bears responsibility” for the deadly assault on the Capitol and for offering a censure resolution instead of impeachment.

Trump is particularly angry at the 10 Republican members in the House who crossed party lines to vote in favour of impeachment.

Starting his own political party would be the ultimate revenge against Republicans as it would largely siphon voters. Yet the move could also backfire by splitting the vote and giving Democratic candidates an advantage.

People on Twitter had some observations:

“The president said he would want to call the new party the ‘Patriot Party.’”

Truly the last refuge of the scoundrel.

— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) January 20, 2021

Trump loves PP.

— Windsor Mann (@WindsorMann) January 20, 2021

This is an awesome idea! Do it!

— Tea Pain (@TeaPainUSA) January 20, 2021

So I was off on the name (he’s thinking of calling it the “Patriot Party”)...but I still think in the end it will be the Trump Party

— Asha Rangappa (@AshaRangappa_) January 20, 2021

Oh no, don't own us by forming a Patriot Party ... and splitting the GOP vote. No, please, no. Anything but that, we'd be so owned.

— Matt Miner * BLACK LIVES MATTER * (@MattMinerXVX) January 20, 2021


— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) January 20, 2021

BREAKING: Donald Trump has spoken to advisors about starting a new political party called “The Patriot Party”.

if he does, that would siphon support for GOP candidates, ensuring that they lose almost every close election.

If he starts a party, I’ll be throwing one.

— Steve Hofstetter (@SteveHofstetter) January 20, 2021

The “Patriot Party” has been a thing on the fringier parts of the right, surfacing at stop the steal protests going back at least a month and a half.

— John Light (@LightTweeting) January 20, 2021

Slogan: We put the riot in patriot.

— Omar Wasow (@owasow) January 20, 2021


— Mike Rundle (@flyosity) January 20, 2021

Very glad Trump will be starting a “Patriot Party” as I missed the one earlier this Month

— Walter(Owen's Grandp (@walterowensgrpa) January 20, 2021

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