Trump Sure Seems Pissed Off Over The Obamas' DNC Jabs

"Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night? He was taking shots at your president. And so is Michelle," the former president griped on Wednesday.
Donald Trump/Barack Obama
Donald Trump/Barack Obama

Donald Trump seems to be having a little trouble processing the brutal takedowns both Barack Obama and Michelle Obama dealt him on Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention.

The former Democratic president mocked Trump’s obsession with crowd sizes and made a gesture suggesting the Republican was concerned with the size of other things as well.

Meanwhile, the former first lady shaded Trump by asking the crowd, “Who’s gonna tell [Trump] that the job he’s currently seeking might just be one of those Black jobs?”

During a rally on Wednesday in Asheboro, North Carolina, Trump, seeming a tad miffed, asked his supporters if they had watched the Obamas’ speeches.

“Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night? Taking little shots, he was taking shots at your president. And so is Michelle,” Trump complained.

“They always say, sure, please stick to policy, don’t get personal,” he continued, apparently referencing fellow Republicans who want Trump to dial back personal insults on the campaign trail. “And yet they’re getting personal all night long, these people. Do I still have to stick to policy?”

Trump: Did you see Barack Hussein Obama last night? He was taking shots at your president. And so is Michelle. They always say, please stick to policy, don't get personal. Yet they are getting personal all night long, these people. Do I still have to stick to policy?

— Acyn (@Acyn) August 21, 2024

Trump also “polled” his fans about whether he should make personal attacks on Obama, derisively including the former president’s middle name, Hussein, as a xenophobic dog whistle to his base.

Trump does a "free poll" with his fans about whether he should make personal attack on "Barack Hussein Obama." They overwhelmingly want him to. Trump then pivots to talking about how he could've thrown Hillary Clinton in jail.

This is supposed to be a national security speech

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 21, 2024

Trump also admitted that he is still looking for a super-insulting way to refer to Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, but conceded, “I really didn’t find one with her.”

"I really didn't find one with her" -- Trump admits that he's struggling to come up with an insult for Kamala Harris

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) August 21, 2024

Trump had actually praised the Obamas on CNN just a few hours prior to their speeches.

“I like him, I think he’s a nice gentleman,” Trump said of the former president, whose US citizenship he baselessly questioned for years. He later said, “I respect him, and I respect his wife.”

Folks on X, formerly Twitter, enjoyed seeing Trump so “salty” after the Obamas’ remarks.

"Your president"? Obama was attacking Biden? I must've missed that part. Or Donald's bestbrain is glitching again.

— Autarkh (@Autarkh) August 21, 2024

He dishes it out but can't take it.

— WarMonitor 🇺🇲🇺🇦 (@TheWarMonitor) August 21, 2024

He's so salty and I love it. 🤣

— Art Candee 🍿🥤 (@ArtCandee) August 21, 2024

“I’ve always kept my criticisms of Obama to policy, like when I emphasize and disparage his foreign-sounding middle name or questioned his citizenship.”

— Smitallica (@smitallica) August 21, 2024

This is how you know how good @BarackObama's and @MichelleObama's speeches were. They got under his thin orange skin.

— 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐝𝐢 (@ChidiNwatu) August 21, 2024

He’ll never be as liked as Obama and he’s never gonna get over that

— ZubacSZN (@213clipset) August 21, 2024

I believe he’s putting the cart before the horse. People react to a nonstop barrage against them. DJT I’m sure will continue to behave as he always has. Those people who advised him to stick to policy are telling him his habit of painting America ugly is hurting his support.

— Armand Hamouth (@AreMond2) August 21, 2024

With all the energy and excitement from the DNC in mind, Trump appears more boring than ever, if that's possible.

— Laura Michelle (@8k_rmz) August 21, 2024

Some people were amused by Trump’s suggestion he is capable of sticking to policy.

In what parallel universe did Trump ever stick to policy?

— Milenka~ (@MilenaAmit) August 21, 2024

What policies? He talks about Hannibal Lecter and getting electrocuted and eaten by sharks. Maybe he can talk about the promises he made and broke, like building a wall or creating a new healthcare plan or improving infrastructure.

— Space Cat 🐈🚀 (@raderje) August 21, 2024

What policy, the magnet one???

— Nostradonny 🐦 (@Nostradonny) August 21, 2024

No need to worry about policy.... Focus on the size of your hands instead.

— Andy's Not Going Back 🇺🇸 (@mountainmoon95) August 21, 2024

One person predicted Trump would make things worse for himself by going after the Obamas.

Here we go again. Donald Trump is only going to alienate more people by going after Barack and Michelle Obama, who at this point transcend politics and have turned into pop culture figures. Especially Michelle. Going after them personally is going to open up Pandora’s box.

— Russell Drew (@RussOnPolitics) August 21, 2024

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