Trump's Approval Rating Climbs To Personal Best, Tying His First Week In Office

The Gallup poll was conducted last week, before public outcry over the president's "zero tolerance" immigration policy.

Amid public outrage over President Donald Trump’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy, a poll from Gallup released on Monday found that the president’s job approval rating has climbed back to his personal best in a Gallup poll: Forty-five percent, the same figure as his first week in office.

The poll was administered last week, fresh off Trump’s historic summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Gallup was quick to note that Trump’s rating is high for his presidency, but lower than the historical average of 53 percent for all presidents since the organization started polling in 1945.

HuffPost Pollster, which combines recent opinion polls including CNN, Rasmussen and Gallup, found that Trump’s approval rating was at 43 percent.

While Trump’s approval rating climbed over last week, news this week has overwhelmingly focused on his administration’s policy of separating undocumented immigrant families detained along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Detention center photos showing immigrants, including children, in chain-link cages, as well as harrowing video footage of kids crying for their parents, have caused lawmakers, including fellow Republicans, to publicly condemn the policy.

A CNN poll released on Monday found two-thirds of respondents disapprove of the Trump administration policy of separating families, but that the majority of Republicans support it.

Gallup polled 1,511 adults between June 11-17, using live interviewers to reach both landlines and cell phones. Trump’s approval rating rose last week because Republicans and independents rated him higher, according to Gallup.


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