If Walking Is Keeping You Sane Right Now, These Tweets Are For You

"Always so humbling when the stupid little walk I go on for my stupid mental health actually makes me feel better."

You’re reading Move, the nudge we need to get active, however makes us happiest and healthiest.

The world may be crumbling around us, but at least we have our mental health walks, hot girl walks or whatever the hell you want to call them ... right?

The exercise has exploded in popularity in recent years, mostly spurred by pandemic isolation. The fervour has continued thanks to thousands of people singing its praises on platforms like TikTok. And for good reason: walking is a low-impact activity that can help ease stress, reduce joint pain and boost the immune system. Recent studies also found that walking may improve heart function and can help prevent knee pain.

But, like all good things in life, walking isn’t perfect. There’s the very act of needing to get out of bed to do it, for starters. There’s also the idea (read: myth) that you need to get 10,000 steps a day in order for it to be successful. Then there’s the fact that eventually the walk has to end, bringing us back to reality.

The love of walking – and the love to snark on it – has seeped into Twitter. If you’re someone who enjoys walking, or at the very least begrudgingly understands the benefits of it, we’ve rounded up a few tweets from kindred souls who feel the same. Scroll through for some relatable takes.

Put the phone down for a little bit to go on a stupid walk outside for my stupid mental health. It was lovely! Now we return to our regularly-programmed societal terror.

— Zachery Tyson 🇺🇦 (@ZaknafeinDC) June 24, 2022

me going on a stupid little daily walk just to feel something pic.twitter.com/Yi6VVHVVB6

— ruby 🐊 (@roobeekeane) January 8, 2021

Good news: Averaging 10K steps a day on my fitness tracker.

Bad news: 7,000 of those steps involve wandering around the house looking for my wallet, glasses, or car keys.

— Robert Pondiscio (@rpondiscio) June 27, 2022

i'm thinking of becoming a treadmill desk person. is this a great idea for my productivity and fitness? a midlife crisis? an attempt to gain some semblance of control over my body in this late capitalist hellscape? all of the above? open to treadmill recs, encouragement, roasts

— jane c. hu (@jane_c_hu) May 6, 2022

boy are you the concept of walking 10K steps a day because doing you feels like a tedious chore

— Mollie Goodfellow (@hansmollman) June 26, 2022

time to go on my silly little walk in the silly little sunshine so i can protect my slutty little brain from the big depressy.

— oh no zach had a thought (@TheeAnxiousGay) April 16, 2022

always so humbling when the stupid little walk i go on for my stupid mental health actually makes me feel better

— Lindsey Adler (@lindseyadler) February 16, 2022

i would rather rot in my bed than go outside for my little silly 10k steps walk but yk

— anna🐛 (@toveesinki) June 21, 2022

me: :(
me after a silly little walk: :)

— 𓏴 (@razzledaxel) June 20, 2022

I’ve been working on establishing routines this summer and I think it’s paying off because at about 6pm every day my 3YO sighs, rolls her eyes and announces, “It’s time to go on our stupid little walk!”

I’ll work on my attitude next.

— Not the Nanny (@not_thenanny) June 23, 2022

Is the fucking secret to a happy life just taking a long walk every morning

Is this some kind of joke

— Sasha Chapin (@sashachapin) August 19, 2021

how i look on my hot girl walks now pic.twitter.com/aLdGhT8j7U

— beth (@theebethst) June 25, 2022

some people have hot girl walks, but as a transmasc i have city boy walks. love getting high, putting on my headphones, and walking 60 blocks for thai food

— lex (@harrowsnav) June 20, 2022

today during my Flirty Little Walk (important hot girl activity) a giant fluffy dog ran up to me to say hi & his owners were like “I don’t know why he did that! he never does that!” so please watch your tone when you speak to me

— ellie schnitt (@holy_schnitt) September 24, 2021

Time to go take a stupid little fucking afternoon stroll

— Ben (@ben_awareness) March 27, 2020

Move celebrates exercise in all its forms, with accessible features encouraging you to add movement into your day – because it’s not just good for the body, but the mind, too. We get it: workouts can be a bit of a slog, but there are ways you can move more without dreading it. Whether you love hikes, bike rides, YouTube workouts or hula hoop routines, exercise should be something to enjoy.

HuffPost UK / Rebecca Zisser